PKH67 Green Fluorescent Membrane Labeling Sigma-Aldrich
This kit is for general cell membrane labeling. PKH67 has a longer aliphatic carbon tail than PKH1 and PKH2, two other green dyes previously described for in vitro and in vivo cell tracking. Based on the longer tail length, in-house studies have consistently shown reduced cell-cell transfer for PKH67 as compared to PKH2.
PKH 67 | Green Fluorescent Dye - MedChemExpress
PKH67 is a fluorescent cell binding dye with green fluorescence. PKH67 can stain the cell membrane and the Ex/Em is 490/502 nm. PKH67 is often used in combination with the non-specific red fluorescent dye PKH26 (Ex/Em=551/567 nm) to label cells, detect cell proliferation in vitro, and trace cells in vitro and in vivo.
PKH 67 | Fluorescent Dye | 257277-27-3 | Invivochem
PKH67 is a fluorescent cell-ligation dye with green fluorescence. PKH67 can stain cell membranes with Ex/Em of 490/502 nm. PKH67 is widely utilized in combination with the non-specific red fluorescent dye PKH26 (Ex/Em=551/567 nm) to label cells, detect cell proliferation/growth in vitro, and track cells in vivo and in vitro.
Immunochemicals - PKH Dyes - Purdue University
PKH67 Green Fluorescent Cell Linker Kit, Catalog No. PKH67-GL is for general cell membrane labeling. It has a longer aliphatic carbon tail than PKH1 and PKH2, two other green dyes previously described for in vitro and in vivo cell tracking. 1-4 Based on the longer tail length, in-house studies have consistently shown reduced cell-cell transfer ...
PKH67: In‑Depth Insights on Membrane Labeling Techniques
3 days ago · PKH67’s ability to integrate into lipid membranes makes it an indispensable tool in various areas of cell biology. Its strong fluorescence and long-term retention allow researchers to track cellular dynamics, investigate membrane-associated processes, and study interactions between labeled and unlabeled cells.
Exosome Labeling Protocol with PKH Lipophilic Dyes
These cell linkers use selective partitioning to incorporate aliphatic reporter molecules into the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane. The membrane dye PKH67 is a green fluorochrome with excitation (490 nm) and emission (504 nm) similar to fluorescein and FITC.
PKH67 Dye Profile - FluoroFinder
PKH67 is a ampiphilic dye used to intercalate into bioplar membranes and has an excitation peak at 490 nm and an emission peak at 502 nm. It can be used with the following analysis platforms: Flow Cytometry and Fluorescence Microscopy.
PKH67 Green Cell Membrane Labeling Kit | ABP Biosciences
PKH67 Green Cell Membrane Labeling Kit is used for general cell membrane labeling. It has proven useful for monitoring exosome or liposome uptake, cell-cell membrane transfer, phagocytosis, and antigen presentation as well as for in vivo cell trafficking studies.
PKH67 Green Fluorescent Cell Membrane Label Sigma-Aldrich
PKH67 kit is for general cell membrane labeling. It has a longer aliphatic carbon tail than PKH1 and PKH2, two other green dyes previously described for in vitro and in vivo cell tracking. Based on the longer tail length, in-house studies have consistently shown reduced cell-cell transfer for PKH67 as compared to PKH2.
PKH67细胞膜绿色荧光探针 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
pkh67 是⼀种可对体外和体内细胞示踪的绿色荧光染料,通过与膜结构的脂质分⼦结合而标记细胞。pkh67对细胞毒性较⼩,荧光背景低,脂溶性⾼,能够轻易穿透细胞膜,有着强而稳定的绿⾊荧光。