Police Department | City of Pittsburg
The Pittsburg Police Department has no greater honor than to keep our citizens safe and to serve our community. We pledge to continue our partnership with the community, build valued …
Online Crime Reporting | City of Pittsburg
If your incident is not listed in the incident selection list, please call the Pittsburg Police Department (Emergency 9-1-1; Non-Emergency Dispatch 925-646-2441) to file your report or …
Pittsburg Police Department Public Records Request
To make a records request for the Pittsburg Police Department only click HERE. We accept requests by mail, walk-in, fax and telephone at (925) 252-4980, #9, #2. Records staff will …
Records Division | City of Pittsburg
The Records Division is responsible for all police records management and document control with the Department. Access to all records information is governed by local, state, and federal laws.
Chief's Welcome | City of Pittsburg
Welcome to the Pittsburg Police Department’s website. I am proud to serve as Pittsburg's 10th Police Chief since 1925 and honored to lead such a professional and dedicated team of men …
Annual Reports | City of Pittsburg
In 2019, the Pittsburg Police Department published our first department Annual Report. Please click on the below images to access both the English and Spanish versions. (English) (Spanish)
Contact Police / News & Events | City of Pittsburg
IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS . EMERGENCY: 9-1-1 24 Hour Dispatch: (925) 646-2441 General Inquiries/Records Division: (925) 252-4980 Records Division Fax: (925) 252-4882 …
Professional Standards | City of Pittsburg
The Pittsburg Police Department Professional Standards Team is committed to ensuring that our employees provide the best service, individually and collectively, to the public.
Citizen's Police Academy | City of Pittsburg
The Citizen's Police Academy provides community members with an inside look at the Pittsburg Police Department. T he nine-week Academy is designed to give citizens an overview of the …
Police FAQs | City of Pittsburg
Police Operations Bureau Are off-road vehicles such as dirt bikes, ATV's or go-carts allowed on the street? No vehicle or motorcycle may be operated on city streets unless it can be …