expressions - what does "falling into the pit of success" mean ...
Aug 8, 2012 · The phrase embodies a design philosophy - originally applied to software platform development but applicable to other places as well - that any infrastructure or platform should …
meaning - Can “A fall into the(a) pit, a gain in your wit” mean ...
Jan 12, 2018 · A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. This proverb’s message is: Having gone through a setback, one will have gained experience and wisdom, which will be useful if only …
"Succeed in" or "succeed at" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Dec 8, 2013 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
What is the correct way to use infinitive after the verb "help": with ...
Jul 4, 2011 · The particle "to" is not wrong in this sentence, but it is unnecessary. I would recommend against using it. The phrase "to understand" can be interpreted as a special case …
"Barrow Pit." Western American Term for Ditch
Mar 30, 2016 · The etymological origins of the term barrow pit (or borrow pit) are obscured by competing variant spellings, conflicting folk etymologies, and inconsistent definitions of the …
symbols - What is the difference between 20$ and $20? - English ...
Why all the overcomplication? The difference is that, in English, $20 is the correct way to use the dollar sign, while 20$ is an incorrect way to use the dollar sign.
punctuation - When do we need to put a comma after "so" at the ...
Jun 19, 2011 · I noticed that most of the times when the conjunction "so" is used at the beginning of a sentence, it is followed by a comma: So, this gets published but the fact that it is …
nouns - What is the meaning of "pole to pole" here? - English …
The pit is probably a proper physical pit, as in a hole. In the 19th century some believed that one could travel through the earth from the North Pole to the South Pole. I believe the poem is …
punctuation - Should I use a comma before "and" or "or"?
Is using a comma then an "and" or an "or" after it proper punctuation? Example: I fell over, and hurt my knee. Should I go, or not?
"Screw" slang terms — are any socially acceptable?
Jan 1, 2022 · There are a number of slang terms that use the term "screw". Pulling from an answer on this site:. screw-based [slang terms] abound: you can screw something up (mess it …