PHL-81 - Wikipedia
The PHL-81 is a truck-mounted self-propelled 122 mm multiple rocket launcher (SPMRL) produced by the People's Republic of China for the People's Liberation Army Ground Force. [2] The PHL-81 is being replaced by the modernised version PHL-11.
People's Liberation Army Ground Force - Warpower: China
The most numerous of the Chinese MLRSs is the PHL-81/90 series. This vehicle is a complete battlefield solution, tying a 40-shot, reloadable 122mm rocket rack with a versatile 6x6 truck chassis for mobile, on-demand ranged firepower.
81式122毫米自行火箭炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
81式122毫米自行火箭炮,全称“1981年式122毫米自行火箭炮”,代号PHZ-81,以下简称81式火箭炮。 该炮是前苏联BM-21“冰雹”火箭炮的中国版,除了底盘不同之外,81式火箭炮与BM-21基本一致。 早在1969年的珍宝岛反击战期间,我军就曾领教过苏军BM-21“冰雹”122毫米自行火箭炮的威力,作为苏军当时最重要的炮兵远程打击火力,这款火箭炮在苏军师级别作战单位中,编制是“营”级,一共装备24门,一次齐射就能在短时间内发射960枚火箭弹,在火力急射上远远超出了美 …
Type 81 / Type 89 / Type 90 122mm Rocket Launcher - GlobalSecurity.org
The Type 81 122mm High Explosive rocket is olive drab with black markings. The rocket weighs 66.8 kilograms (147.3 pounds). This rocket may be found equipped with an ICM fragmentation warhead ...
Type 81 rocket artillery | Specifications, production, cost
The Type 81 is a self-propelled 122 mm 40-round multiple rocket launcher produced by the People's Republic of China. It is a variant of the BM-21 Grad. The Type 81 may be armed with a high explosive warhead or a steel fragmentation warhead.
81式122毫米自行火箭炮 - 哔哩哔哩
81式122毫米自行火箭炮 - 每日頭條
2018年6月24日 · 81式122毫米自行火箭炮是中國制的一款輪式自行多管火箭炮車,研製於1976年正式展開,1982年設計定型,命名為「1981年式122毫米自行火箭炮」,代號phz-81。是中國人民解放軍陸軍裝備師/旅級炮兵部隊的制式主力自走火箭炮,一個火箭炮營編裝為18輛發射車。
中国装备志——PHZ89式122毫米火箭炮 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
PHZ89式122毫米火箭炮,是我国第二代自行火箭炮,主要装备陆军装甲(机械化)部队,主要用于打击敌方深浅纵深目标,比如敌野战机场、野战油料/弹药库、军师级指挥所,也是我国首次采用车载自动装弹机的火箭炮,经验证之后在1990年入役解放军,主承包商是中国北方工业集团公司 (CNGC),具体由哈尔滨第一机械厂 (674工厂)和湖北江山机械厂 (5137工厂)生产。 PHZ89式122毫米火箭炮基础参数,战斗全重33吨,采用321型履带式中型通用底盘,动力系统主要为采 …
PHL-81 - Military Wiki
The PHL-81 is a truck-mounted self-propelled 122 mm multiple rocket launcher (SPMRL) produced by the People's Republic of China for the People's Liberation Army Ground Force.[2] The PHL-81 is being replaced by the modernised version PHL-11.