Proprotein convertase furin/PCSK3 and atherosclerosis: New
Evidence suggests that furin participates in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis through regulation of lipid and cholesterol metabolism, inflammatory response, blood pressure and the formation of atherosclerotic lesions.
弗林蛋白酶 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
人類基因組中編碼了9種pcsk類前体蛋白转化酶,弗林蛋白酶即為其中之一,又稱為pcsk3,於1986年自cdna基因庫中發現 [7] [8] ,是哺乳動物中第一個被發現的前体蛋白转化酶 [6] 。
Molecular evolution of PCSK family: Analysis of natural selection …
The results showed PCSK1, PCSK3, and PCSK5 to be the most closely related PCSK genes clustered into one clade with a high bootstrap value; whereas, PCSK9 and MBTPS1 were more distant to other PCSKs and constituted the periphery branches .
Molecular evolution of PCSK family: Analysis of natural ... - PLOS
Oct 28, 2021 · The results showed PCSK1, PCSK3, and PCSK5 to be the most closely related PCSK genes clustered into one clade with a high bootstrap value; whereas, PCSK9 and MBTPS1 were more distant to other PCSKs and constituted the periphery branches .
The therapeutic potential of apelin in kidney disease
Aug 13, 2021 · Experimental evidence suggests that furin (also known as PCSK3), plasma kallikrein and neprilysin cleave apelin peptides, but only neprilysin has been shown to completely inactivate these...
Expression of PCSK1 (PC1/3), PCSK2 (PC2) and PCSK3 (furin) in ... - PubMed
Jan 8, 2009 · Results indicate that PCSK1 is found in all three regions of the SI while PCSK2 and PCSK3 are primarily expressed in the upper two, the duodenum and the jejunum. In these proximal regions, PCSK1 was detectable in 100% of SP-positive (+) cells, 85% of CCK+ cells and 50% of GIP+ cells; PCSK2 was detectable in 40% of SS+ cells and 35% of SP+ cells ...
Furin/PCSK3 蛋白, Mouse (HEK293, His) | MCE - MCE-生物活性分 …
Furin/PCSK3 蛋白是一种具有 RX(K/R)R 裂解活性的内切蛋白酶,在组成型分泌途径中广泛表达。 它在处理各种底物(包括 TGFB1)和激活 TGF-β-1 方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
Proprotein convertase furin/PCSK3 and atherosclerosis: New …
Jul 1, 2017 · Evidence suggests that furin participates in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis through regulation of lipid and cholesterol metabolism, inflammatory response, blood pressure and the formation of atherosclerotic lesions.
Expression of PCSK1 (PC1/3), PCSK2 (PC2) and PCSK3
Jan 8, 2009 · PCSK3 was detectable in fewer cells, and PCSK1 in none. Based on these observations, PCSK2 is the most likely pro-SS convertase in the SI. In summary, this is the first detailed examination of PCSK regional expression in SI.
PCSK3 Overexpression in Sjögren’s Syndrome Patients May Be …
Background: The PCSK3 gene encodes for the protease enzyme Furin, which promotes proteolytic maturation of important regulators of the immune response, and also enhances the secretion of interferon-γ (IFN). Several studies have suggested its possible involvement in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases.