Paul Juon - Wikipedia
Paul Juon (Russian: Па́вел Фёдорович Юо́н, Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon; 6 March 1872 – 21 August 1940) was a Russian-born Swiss composer.
Category:Juon, Paul - IMSLP
Paul Juon (6 March 1872 — 21 August 1940) Alternative Names/Transliterations: Павел Фëдорович Юон, Pavel Fëdorovič Juon, Pavel Fedorovich Iuon, Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon, Pawel Fjodorowitsch Juon
Biography – Paul Juon Gesellschaft (PJG)
Paul Juon is born in Moscow on March 8. His father, Theodor Friedrich Juon, (born Dec. 14 1842 in Goldingen) was the son of a confectioner who had emigrated from Masein (Thusis,Grisons, Switzerland) in 1830.
保罗·金昂 - 华文百科
Paul Juon (俄罗斯:班级: 帕维尔·费奥多维奇·尤恩 ( Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon )(1872年3月6日至1940年8月21日)是俄罗斯出生的瑞士作曲家。 生活 Juon出生于 莫斯科 ,父亲是保险官员。
List of works by Paul Juon - IMSLP
Category:Juon, Paul. A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page. Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.
保罗·尤翁(Paul Juon)简介 - 音乐名家名曲网
Dec 27, 2021 · 保罗·尤翁(Paul Juon,俄语名:Па́вел Фёдорович Юо́н,1872-1940),又译尤昂、朱恩、朱翁,瑞士裔俄国作曲家,生于莫斯科,在莫斯科音乐学院师从赫利美利(Jan Hřímalý)学习小提琴,师从阿连斯基及塔涅耶夫学习作曲,后又到柏林师从巴吉尔。在巴 ...
Paul Juon: The Russian Brahms | WRTI
Dec 4, 2010 · Paul Juon was born in Russia and died in Switzerland, but is a German composer. His music is influenced by Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, and Sibelius, so of course he was called "the Russian Brahms"! Well, Taneyev, Glazunov, and Medtner have all been called that, but it was a schoolmate, Sergei Rachmaninoff, who pinned the nickname on Paul Juon.
パウル・ユオン - Wikipedia
パウル・ユオン(Paul Juon 〔ロシア語: Па́вел Фёдорович Юо́н 〕, 1872年 3月6日 - 1940年 8月21日)はスイス系ロシア人の作曲家で、ドイツで活躍した。ロシア語では「パーヴェル・フョードロヴィチ・ユオン」。
Paul Juon — Wikipédia
Paul Fiodorovitch Juon ou Youon (en russe : Павел Фёдорович Юон), né le 6 mars 1872 à Moscou et mort le 21 août 1940 à Vevey, est un compositeur russe, surnommé le « Brahms russe ». Son frère Constantin Juon (ou Youon) est un peintre réputé, demeuré dans son pays natal.
List of compositions by Paul Juon - Wikipedia
This is a sortable list of compositions by Paul Juon, categorized by genre, opus number, date of composition (or publication) and title. Juon's works are largely published by Robert Lienau, Verlag von F.E.C. Leuckart, Musikverlag Zimmermann, Hug Musikverlage and Carl Fischer Music