Paul Juon - Wikipedia
Paul Juon (Russian: Па́вел Фёдорович Юо́н, Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon; 6 March 1872 – 21 August 1940) was a Russian-born Swiss composer. Juon was born in Moscow, where his father was an insurance official. His parents were Swiss, and he …
Category:Juon, Paul - IMSLP
Paul Juon (6 March 1872 — 21 August 1940) Alternative Names/Transliterations: Павел Фëдорович Юон, Pavel Fëdorovič Juon, Pavel Fedorovich Iuon, Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon, Pawel Fjodorowitsch Juon
Biography – Paul Juon Gesellschaft (PJG)
Professor of Music Theory and Violin at the Conservatory in Baku. Works for the newspaper ‘Kaspi’ as a music critic. Performance of the Symphony op. 10 in Kislovodsk (North Caucasus) on August 24 and the opera ‘Aleko’ in Tiflis and Kislovodsk. Both scores still exist but have never been printed. Juon moves to Berlin.
List of compositions by Paul Juon - Wikipedia
This is a sortable list of compositions by Paul Juon, categorized by genre, opus number, date of composition (or publication) and title. Juon's works are largely published by Robert Lienau, Verlag von F.E.C. Leuckart, Musikverlag Zimmermann, Hug Musikverlage and Carl Fischer Music
Paul Juon: The Russian Brahms | WRTI
2010年12月4日 · Paul Juon was born in Russia and died in Switzerland, but is a German composer. His music is influenced by Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, and Sibelius, so of course he was called "the Russian Brahms"! Well, Taneyev, Glazunov, and Medtner have all been called that, but it was a schoolmate, Sergei Rachmaninoff, who pinned the nickname on Paul Juon.
Paul Juon — Wikipédia
Paul Fiodorovitch Juon ou Youon (en russe : Павел Фёдорович Юон), né le 6 mars 1872 à Moscou et mort le 21 août 1940 à Vevey, est un compositeur russe, surnommé le « Brahms russe ». Son frère Constantin Juon (ou Youon) est un peintre réputé, demeuré dans son pays natal.
Paul Juon Gesellschaft (PJG)
Die Paul Juon Gesellschaft (PJG) heisst Sie willkommen. “Das fehlende Glied zwischen Tschaikowskij und Strawinskij” So nannte ein witziger Kritiker den spätromantischen Komponisten Paul Juon. Paul Juon wurde 1872 in Moskau geboren, war aber schweizerischer Herkunft. Von 1898 – 1934 wirkte er in Berlin.
Paul Juon: Trio Miniaturen (Full recording) - YouTube
2025年1月9日 · 12/14/2024Videos are finally out!From: Seattle Chamber Music Society Performed in Nordstrom HallTrio Miniatures - Paul Juon00:00 I. Reverie04:43 II. Humeresk...
パウル・ユオン - Wikipedia
パウル・ユオン(Paul Juon 〔ロシア語: Па́вел Фёдорович Юо́н 〕, 1872年 3月6日 - 1940年 8月21日)はスイス系ロシア人の作曲家で、ドイツで活躍した。ロシア語では「パーヴェル・フョードロヴィチ・ユオン」。
Paul Juon (1872-1940) - earsense
Born: March 6, 1872, Moscow Died: August 21, 1940, Vevey (age 68)