Parasound Owners Thread - AVS Forum
2009年2月19日 · All the new Parasound units have been delayed until everything is just right, they don't want to make the mistake of releasing units that are not 100% ready when they could …
Thoughts on Parasound pre-amps - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2014年5月6日 · The P 7 was designed by a Finnish engineer that I looked up, he worked with (besides Parasound and others) Lyngdorf, doing room correction stuff etc., and apparently …
Truth Hurts: Parasound A21 is Better than A21Plus
2023年1月19日 · I also suspect Parasound gets away with claiming lower noise specs on the current model because they’re likely rating it at full output (they don’t specify—common …
Parasound Zphono - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2020年12月8日 · Audio Science tests does show pretty decent amount of headroom at the Parasound before it distorts, so your 5MV Ortofon shouldn't be actually overloading it. Yes, it …
Parasound OR Anthem? - AVS Forum
2007年5月3日 · The Parasound Halo C1/C2 have excellent sound qualities, but does not put to much weight in HDMI at the moment until the dust settles. Component video processing is still …
Parasound Halo A23 or PS Audio Stellar S300 - Steve Hoffman …
2021年2月11日 · Parasound for sure. I have a Parasound HINT6, and had PSA M700's for a while. (Monoblock version of the S300.) The PSA amps sounded hard and thin to me. …
My Change From Parasound to Benchmark - Steve Hoffman Music …
2024年12月24日 · The Parasound equipment I was using was the base line of the full size line, the NC 200 Pre preamp and 2 of the 275 v2 power amps. While not TOTL, they were much …
Thoughts on Parasound NewClassic 200 Pre - Steve Hoffman …
2023年1月29日 · The Parasound 2100 preamplifier's INPUT1 is connected to the music streamer EVERSOLO DMP-A6. The Parasound 2100 preamplifier outputs the R to the 1st Parasound …
Considering Arcam and Parasound amps* - Steve Hoffman Music …
2020年8月11日 · I'm leaning heavily toward an integrated amp. I've pretty much narrowed it down to Parasound or Arcam. The 2 amps I'm considering are a Class G Arcam SA-20 (90w) and a …
Parasound NewClassic 200 Integrated? - Steve Hoffman Music …
2023年12月15日 · The Parasound New Classic 200 is a good amplifier, a very good value for money component. Sound is fine, you got bass/treble controls that aren’t overkill. Built in DAC, …