Online-Passport | Apply Online for Passport Renewal
Passport of Online applicants will be delivered to the embassy of Pakistan in Morocco. Applicants are advised to collect their passports from embassy of Pakistan Morocco (Rabat). IMPORTANT NOTICE : – All Pakistanis are hereby informed that DG I&P has extended online MRP services for inland Pakistanis to apply for their Passports in renewal ...
FAQ | Online-Passport - DGI&P
Apply for your machine readable passport from the comfort of your home or office, anywhere in the world, at any time, on any modern browser connected to the Internet. No special software is required.
Renew your Passport | Online-Passport - DGI&P
Once you have registered and prepared with you the photograph and supporting documents, you are ready to apply online for your machine readable passport. Create an application for passport and provide details of your application.
E-Passport - DGI&P
e-passport is cross browser compatible. however, for optimal experience recommended browser is google chrome.
Supporting Documents | Online-Passport - DGI&P
The following documents are required while applying for renewal of Machine Readable Passport through online passport service provided that his/ her current passport is expiring within a period of twelve (12) Months :
Login to your E-PASSPORT account - DGI&P
e-passport is cross browser compatible. however, for optimal experience recommended browser is google chrome.
Fee Details | Online-Passport - DGI&P
The following table outlines the cost involved in applying for your passport online: Fees for Processing of Machine Readable Passport; Inland Passport Application
Contact Us | Online-Passport - DGI&P
Directorate General of Immigration & Passports Headquarters, Mauve Area, G-8/1, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Download Guides | Online-Passport - DGI&P
NOTE: You need a PDF reader software to view the guides below.Click here to download Adobe ® Reader.
Capturing your Photograph | Online-Passport - DGI&P
Capturing and Uploading Your Photograph . As part of your online application in e-Services Portal , you have to capture your photograph, up to 5MB, and then upload it to the application.