Paiute Legends (Folklore, Myths, and Traditional Indian Stories)
Collection of Paiute legends and traditional stories. Coyote Was Going There: Indian Literature of the Oregon Country : Excellent anthology of folklore from the Northern Paiute and other …
Paiute Mythology: The Legend of the North Star
The Paiute people of North America are spread over a wide territory ranging across Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, Idaho and Oregon. They are an ancient nomadic people who made …
Si-Te-Cah - Wikipedia
According to reports of Northern Paiute oral history, the Si-Te-Cah, Saiduka or Sai'i [1] (sometimes erroneously referred to as Say-do-carah or Saiekare [2] after a term said to be …
Paiute - Wikipedia
Paiute (/ ˈpaɪjuːt /; also Piute) refers to three non-contiguous groups of Indigenous peoples of the Great Basin.
Paiute – The Water Ute - Legends of America
The generally accepted idea is that Paiute means “water Ute” or “true Ute.” John Wesley Powell stated that the name correctly belonged exclusively to the Corn Creek tribe of southwest Utah …
Northern Paiute traditional narratives - Wikipedia
Northern Paiute traditional narratives include myths, legends, tales, and oral histories preserved by the Northern Paiute people of the Great Basin deserts of western Nevada, eastern …
Paiute Creation and Origin Legends - University of Pittsburgh
Paiute Legend of Bryce Canyon. Before there were any Indians the Legend People, To-when-an-ung-wa, lived in that place. Because they were bad, Coyote turned them all into rocks. You …
Legends of the Northern Paiute | OSU Press - Oregon State …
Legends of the Northern Paiute shares and preserves twenty-one original and previously unpublished Northern Paiute legends, as told by Wilson Wewa, a spiritual leader and oral …
The myths and legends of the Paiute Indians - University of …
Research paper created by Vina M. Day covers the following Paiute legends: "Squaw with a Basket," the "Sea Serpent," and "Waterbabies." Material published in 1980.
Paiute Legends of Creation and the Natural World
Their legends of creation and the natural world encapsulate the Paiute's understanding of their environment, embodying moral teachings and embodying the relationships between humanity …