Respiratory Therapy to PA - Physician Assistant Forum
Jan 12, 2018 · I was a RT for 4 years before going to PA school. The RT classes should count towards sgpa. I would recommend working a couple years as a RT before going to PA school, this will give you excellent HCE as well as helping you out with your patient assessment skills and medical knowledge base. Also, you will get to make some $$$ which is nice.
Is Virtual Shadowing Good for PA Applications?
Feb 9, 2025 · Being tenacious and finding resources when everyone knows it's hard to find in person shadowing shows your work ethic and dedication to the PA path. Empowered PAs and NSBPA had some of my favorite/highest quality sessions and those are still accessible/ continuing. Others include eShadowing and Pre-PA Pals (which have recordings on YouTube). It ...
Widener University -- PENNSYLVANIA - Schools Under …
Jul 11, 2024 · I loved the interview! My interviewer was super kind and it was really laid back. It felt like more of a convo than an interview. Also, I was super impressed with the tour, they just renovated the interprofessional (also PA) building. Fingers crossed for good news! They said they’d let us know by Friday Edited September 30, 2024 by gr815
PA schools that don't have expiring Pre-reqs - Pre-PA General ...
Feb 21, 2019 · I started PA school 30 years after my freshman year in college. I did not have to repeat math, English, or physics, but did have to repeat stats, psych, and one quarter of inorganic chemistry. I actually took the inorganic at the very end -- after organic and biochem!
PA vs. PT - Pre-PA General Discussion - Physician Assistant Forum
Apr 9, 2018 · PA does have a higher income ceiling, but FWIW the average PA salary is only about $10-15k more than the average PT salary according to BLS (something like $86k vs. $104k.) PT is also only one more year of schooling than PA (3 years vs. 2 years, with some PA schools becoming 3 years and requiring 1000+ hours of clinical exposure prior to ...
Physician Assistant Forum
Dec 12, 2024 · Discussion about PA school, from acceptance to graduation. Interested practicing PAs may pose student cases and will answer relevant questions posed here. 2,510
Pre-PA General Discussion - Physician Assistant Forum
Mar 27, 2014 · For those of us who are newly motivated to succeed after a previously unimpressive undergrad performance, the small handful of PA admissions department that pay special attention to upward trends and, specifically, the last 45-60 credit GPA offer a unique advantage. As an applicant with a 3.0 und...
American PA in other countries? - Physician Assistant Forum
Jun 25, 2020 · Some jobs in Canada will allow PA-C in lieu of CCPA (Canadian Certified PA), but often specify must belong to the Canadian Association of PA's (they administer certification). Currently, only Ontario, Manitoba (as well as the odd job in Alberta) are hiring, as well as some places doing occupational health in the hinterlands of Northern BC ...
My experiences applying to 22 PA schools - Physician Assistant …
Feb 20, 2016 · Applying to PA school was hard, there is no tried and true formula to get in and numbers alone do not seem to matter. Standards are high for the obvious reasons. However, improving my stats over the two application cycles seem to have made a difference, but which stats had the biggest effect are unclear.
PA vs AA - Pre-PA General Discussion - Physician Assistant Forum
Apr 6, 2018 · PA's need ~ 2,000 hours (to be competitive), more prerequisites, make less money starting out, and seem to work more in general. AA just seems too good to be true, there has to be some sort of catch. I'm sure it becomes really mundane or something, but I really enjoy watching surgeries take place, so I don't find it a bad thing.