PZL.48 Lampart - Wikipedia
The PZL.48 Lampart (leopard) was a Polish heavy fighter-bomber design, that remained only a project, owing to the outbreak of World War II.
PZL.48 Lampart – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
PZL-48 Lampart (PZL-48) – projekt polskiego samolotu myśliwskiego konstrukcji inżynierów Franciszka Misztala i Wsiewołoda Jakimiuka, opracowany w Państwowych Zakładach …
PZL.43 - Wikipedia
The PZL.43 was a Polish light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft designed in the mid-1930s by PZL in Warsaw. It was a development of the PZL.23 Karaś. Its main user was the Bulgarian …
PZL.46 Sum - Wikipedia
PZL.46 Sum was a light bomber developed by Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze shortly before World War II, which, was directed to serial production in the spring of 1939. These planes were in …
PZL.48 Lampart | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PZL.48 Lampart (Leopard) was a Polish heavy fighter-bomber design, that remained only a project, owing to the outbreak of World War II.
P.Z.L. P.48 Lampart (Leopard) - historyofwar.org
The P.Z.L. P.48 Lampart (Leopard) was a more advanced version of the P.38 Wilk multi-purpose ground attack and escort fighter, but the prototypes hadn’t been completed when the Germans …
PZL.48 Lampart - Wikiwand
The PZL.48 Lampart (leopard) was a Polish heavy fighter-bomber design, that remained only a project, owing to the outbreak of World War II.
PZL-48 "Lampart" - samolotypolskie.pl
Model samolotu myśliwskiego i bombowego PZL-48 ”Lampart” w barwach polskiego lotnictwa wojskowego. (Źródło: model i zdjęcie Sławomir Pomikły, Bełchatów). Wobec niepowodzenia z …
PWS,PZL & LWS Projects - Secret Projects Forum
2007年2月11日 · PZL 48 Lampart (Leopard) - Development of PZL 38 Wilk with two Gnome-Rhome 14M07 "Mars" (730 HP) , larger and with no slots. Nowokuński died in Tatra mountains …
PZL P.48 Lampart - wardrawings.be
Weight: 2400 kg | Max. Combat Weight: 3500 kg. Max. Speed: 560 km/h | Ceiling: 10000 m | Range: 1500 km.