Lockheed Ventura - Wikipedia
The first aircraft shipped were the PV-2D, which had eight forward-firing machine guns and was used in ground attacks. When World War II ended, all of the order was cancelled. With the wing problems fixed, the PV-2 proved reliable, and eventually popular.
PV-2D | War Thunder Wiki
The PV-2D was introduced in Update 1.67 "Assault" as a reward for the 2017 World War Two: Chronicle event. It is quite a rare aircraft but packs a much more powerful punch compared to its predecessor, the B-34 "Lexington".
PV-2D - War Thunder Wiki
It is quite a rare aircraft but packs a much more powerful punch compared to its predecessor, the B-34 "Lexington". It features a much larger bomb load capacity, more defensive armament, and an incredible eight offensive 12.7 mm machine guns. Unfortunately, the Harpoon does not receive late-war .50 cal belts.
This PV-2D was built in a group of Harpoons that were intended to fly against Japan for the final attack and invasion on the Japanese homeland. With the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that brought the war to a swift end the need for more aircraft was cut short and the remaining aircraft contracts were cancelled.
战雷》春活金币机】PV-2D 新飞机尝鲜:8挺机头.50+8枚127mm …
PV-2D堪称新一代打钱神器,加V有810%的银狮收益。 PV-2D/PV-1 事实上是 B-34/“文图拉”MK IIA 的改进型。 改进之处包括用海军制式装备替换了陆军航空队的装备;B34、PV-2D和英国金币机“哈德逊”一样出自洛克希德.马丁公司。 PV-2D堪称新一代打钱神器,加V有810%的银狮收益。, 视频播放量 719、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 3、收藏人数 5、转发人数 2, 视频作者 fengchijunjie, 作者简介 ,相关视频:Surprise,【内销转出口——war thunder夏活 65式】 被 …
Sep 1, 2014 · pv-2t:由少量的 pv-2 和 pv-2d 改进而来的运输机,用于战后运输 PV-3:27 架,即“文图拉”MK II 型(洛克希德 37-27-01 型),原定通过租借法案提供给英国皇家空军,后交付给美国海军
【战争雷霆】PV-2D“鱼叉”海战历史投放MK13-44航空鱼雷击沉两 …
洛克希德PV-2D鱼叉 - 走动 - NET-MAQUETTES - 网-马奎特斯
May 30, 2012 · 这 洛克希德光伏-2d鱼叉 是一架参与第二次世界大战的美国海上侦察单翼飞机。光伏-2鱼叉紧随pv-1文图拉的发展。pv-2d鱼叉可以携带1800公斤的炸弹或深度负载或鱼雷,再加上它配备了5 12.7毫米机枪,马丁背塔与2 12.7毫米机枪和一个遥控室炮塔与两个机枪。
PV-2 (航空機) - Wikipedia
ロッキード PV-2(Lockheed PV-2)は、第二次世界大戦中にアメリカ合衆国のロッキード社で製造された哨戒/爆撃機である。 愛称は“ ハープーン (Harpoon:捕鯨用 銛 の意)”
PV-2D - Is it fun? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
It's one of the best event planes I have ever grinded for. You can take a sizeable amount of 1000lb bombs and hvars and you have decent turret angles. Prints silver too on top of having tons of fiddies in the nose. I would absolutely keep it. How much is 36 GJN? How much did it cost you? I really enjoy flying mine, it's a hoot at low tier.