PSK31 | bpsk31.com
PSK31 is a digital communication mode for amateur radio. It is one of the most common and easy-to-use digital modes as a PSK31 station needs only to consist of an SSB transceiver, an …
PSK31 Setup and Operation - bpsk31.com
PSK31 Operation. The first, and most important, step before operating any station is making sure to tune the transmitter. This will prevent damage to the transmitter and guard against messy, …
About PSK31 - bpsk31.com
PSK31 is a digital communication mode for amateur radio. It is one of the most common and easy-to-use digital modes as a PSK31 station needs only to consist of an SSB transceiver, an …
PSK31 Software - bpsk31.com
PSK31 software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, with basic information about each.
How does PSK31 Stack Up Against CW in a Noisy Channel
The PSK31 threshold between perfect and nearly perfect text message reception is 12 dB, that is, the PSK31 signal must be at least 16 times stronger or 2 S-Units stronger than the noise for …
PSK31 Resources | bpsk31.com
PSK31 books, links, videos, and additional learning resources. PSK31. About; Operation; Articles; Software; Resources; Discussion Group; PSK31 Resources Books. ARRL's HF Digital …
PSK31 Articles - bpsk31.com
As an enthusiastic Binary Phase Shift Key 31 (PSK31) operator the PODCAST left me wondering how does PSK31 stack up against CW in the noisy channel. Read More…