My PSA level is 1.3, is this high. It rose from .6 to 1.3 in 4 months ...
Customer: My PSA level is 1.3 , is this high. It rose from .6 to 1.3 in 4 months. I had sex the night before my test will that make a difference. I have low testrostone levels & was on treatment to …
Customer: I HAD A BLOOD TEST and my psa CAME BACK AS 5.1 .I SAW A UROLOGIST who suggested a biopsy of my prostate .Im not keen to have this done .I am 66 years old any very …
Is having a 1.0 PSA a good number? - JustAnswer
A p s a number of of 1.0 is an excellent value. PSA stands for prostate specific antigen. It is a protein that is only produced by the prostate gland. It can elevate for a number of reasons, the …
I am 32 years old my total psa is 1.16 what does it tell? Is it too ...
Customer: I am 32 years old my total psa is 1.16 what does it tell? Is it too high for my age, basically does it increase baseline risk for being prostate or cancer?
My PSA was 1.6 last year. I just got my results and it ... - JustAnswer
A combination of prostate exam and PSA is well though to suggest likelihood of prostate cancer, but still prostate biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis. However, in your case I see that …
Expert Answers on PSA Levels and Ranitidine Effects | JustAnswer …
Customer: My PSA last year was .57 and now is 1.22. I have noticed in the past several months my ejaculations seemed dull and I feel a very dull ache occasionally from Prostate. Though t …
PSA Level 4.1: Understanding What It Means - Expert Q&A
Customer: my psa level was at 4.1 does this mean it is cancerous?
My PSA test result is 1.11. What does this mean? - JustAnswer
Customer: My PSA test result is 1.11. What does this mean?
My psa total is 1.79 and my % of free psa is 8.94 0.16L - JustAnswer
Hello, this is Dr. David. I have read your question and I'm ready to help. it sounds like you are worried about having prostate cancer PSA of 1.79 is low low free PSA is not always worrisome …
My husbands PSA was 2.6 in July 2016. On July 17 2018 is was 4.1 …
2016年7月6日 · Customer: my husbands PSA was 2.6 in July 2016. On July 17 2018 is was 4.1 and on July 25 2018 it was 3.6 with a 12% Free PSA. Would you be concerned? He is 65 …