Sony Surprised PlayStation Fans With Forgotten PS2 …
2020年3月6日 · The disc drive for the PS2 included a tiny original PlayStation logo in the style of its time, and although the logo has changed with every …
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PS2的logo会改变方向 - 百度贴吧
PS2的logo会改..今天给PS2清灰,擦到图标时侯发现它居然会动,就是主机立着可以把标也立过来,忍不住过来贴吧一波这个小细节,不知大伙知道不 PS2的logo会改变方向【ps2吧】_百度贴吧
Sony Reveals Secret Feature of PS2 PlayStation Logo
2020年3月5日 · It turns out that with just a simple flick of the wrist, the PS2 logo can actually be turned sideways. This feature must have been added for …
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Redditor Discovers Secret-But-Useless PS2 Function
Apparently the PlayStation 2's logo can twist, and Reddit users were astounded by this bombshell information.
r/todayilearned on Reddit: TIL The small …
TIL The small logo on the front of the playstation2 could be rotated 90 degrees, in order for the logo to be the right way up in both vertical and horizontal console orientations. …
Did you know this about the PlayStation 2 logo?
2020年11月23日 · While all PS2 owners know that you can choose to stand it upright rather than horizontally, did you know that you can rotate the PlayStation logo on the front of the console to match the orientation of your system?
- 其他用户还问了以下问题
r/ps2 on Reddit: Today I accidentally realised that the …
I realised this the other day when I was messing around with the collectibles in Astros Playroom PS5 and when hitting the logo on the PS2 it flipped. Ran straight upstairs to try it on my PS2 Reply
Playstation Logo On PS2 is Adjustable. - YouTube
13 years I’ve owned my PS2, and I only just discovered …
When Sony released first pictures of upcoming PS2 either in flat or stand position, people said they were fake photoshoped based on the different logo orientation ;)
There was a hidden feature on the PS2. It was right in …
2020年3月10日 · Did you know you could turn the PlayStation logo on the PS2? — PlayStation (@PlayStation) March 4, 2020. Sony posted this unique feature because March 4 marks the...
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