P.S. 36 The J. C. Drumgoole School
PS 36 Daily Newscast Check out our daily news show that is streamed live daily into our classrooms! Written and produced by PS 36 News team.
News and Announcements - ps36si.org
PS 36 Daily Newscast Check out our daily news show that is streamed live daily into our classrooms! Written and produced by PS 36 News team. NYCID After School 2023 - 2024: PS …
Main Calendar - P.S. 36 The J. C. Drumgoole School
P.S. 36 The J. C. Drumgoole School
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PS 36 家庭⼿册 2022-2023
我们很⾼兴在 ps 36 开始 2022-2023 学年,并且很⾼兴您的家⼈将加⼊我们,因为我 们都将返回学校进行全⽇制⾯对⾯教学。
Gentili Famiglie e Studenti PS 36, Cordiali saluti, Il percorso educativo di tuo figlio inizia con te, la famiglia. La tua presenza e la comunicazione continua con la scuola e gli insegnanti della …
Estimadas familias y estudiantes de PS 36, Sinceramente, Estamos emocionados de comenzar el año escolar 2022-2023 en PS 36 y estamos muy contentos de que su familia se una a …
2024年11月5日 · 9. 20. 21. 12. 13. 14. 5. 6. 7. 26. 27. 28. NNO. O. SSCCHHOOOOL. L. International Epilepsy Day. Wear Purple. Toy Drive Starts. 8. Parent-Teacher. …
Home - Mission - P.S. 36 The J. C. Drumgoole School
P.S. 36 The J. C. Drumgoole School. Our primary focus is academic achievement. Through individualized goal setting teachers assist students in meeting their next academic challenge in …
2022年10月21日 · Dear PS 36 Families and Students, We are excited to begin the 2022-2023 school year at PS 36 and are so happy that your family will be joining us as we all return to …
Bell Schedules - P.S. 36 The J. C. Drumgoole School
P.S. 36 The J. C. Drumgoole School. Please note that in order to keep your child safe and learning, please refrain from picking up your child from school during lunchtime hours of 10:25 …