PMR-15 processing, properties and problems—a review
Included in these are reliable methods of quality control, prepreg batch to batch variability, microcracking from thermal cycling, health and safety hazards and high temperature …
Polyimide Boosts High-Temperature Performance | NASA Spinoff
The initial PMR resin, known as PMR-15, is still commercially available and is used worldwide by the aerospace industry as the state-of-the-art resin for high-temperature polyimide composite …
PMR-15 Polymide Resin - Space Foundation
2017年11月3日 · The material, called PMR-15, reacts chemically to form a reinforced plastic that is highly resistant to heat and oxidation. Ferro Corporation and ICI Fiberite cautiously applied …
中科院宁波材料所王震研究员带你了解耐高温聚酰亚胺树脂及其复 …
美国nasa和空军材料实验室又开发了pmr-ii-50、dmbz-15、v-cap、afr-700b等树脂,将复合材料的耐温等级提高到了371℃,并成功应用导弹、航空发动机等的结构和功能性部件上,但其层间 …
热固性聚酰亚胺树脂研究进展 - ciac
PMR-15/碳纤维复合材料已经广泛用于飞机发动机外涵道、发动机整流罩、风扇系统以及巡航导弹的进气道和整流罩。 但是, PMR-15树脂及复合材料仍有许多缺点, 例如由于含有脂肪结构的封 …
最具代表性的pmr-15 已商品化,并作为复合材料的基体树脂和粘合剂被成功地 应用在飞机发动机的部件上。但是pmr-15 所使用的单体4,4’-二胺基二苯甲烷 (mda)由于具有潜在的致癌性因而 …
PMR-15 resin solutions and graphite prepreg. In addition it provided a basic understanding of PMR-15 resin chemistry; this was translated into processing procedures for the production of …
反应型聚酰亚胺 - 百度百科
又称pmr型 聚酰亚胺 ,一类重要的高性能复合材料基体树脂。单体在材料制备和成型过程中完成 聚合反应 。主要品种有pmr-15、pmr-Ⅱ、larc-160和larc-13等。
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server
1998年4月1日 · PMR-15 is a processable, high-temperature polymer developed at the NASA Lewis Research Center in the 1970's principally for aeropropulsion applications. Use of fiber …
PMR‐15 processing, properties and problems—a review
This paper reviews the present status of PMR-15 development and outlines work designed to identify and where possible overcome these limitations. The frontrunner in the race to develop …