What does “pip’d” mean? - Hacker News
Whether the motivation is cya or honest encouragement, a pip still means their current performance is unacceptable, so you seem to be describing a harsh environment (or a large …
Interesting. I'm never been PIP'd myself, but I've seen it happen to ...
I'm never been PIP'd myself, but I've seen it happen to many -- and it's never resulted in anything good, nor has it ever seemed as if the purpose was actually to improve anyone's performance. …
Performance improvement plans are on the rise | Hacker News
Does management ever get PIP'd? In my experience its lowly ICs that take the brunt of PIP culture.
Ask HN: Advice for Imminent Pip? - Hacker News
2024年6月28日 · If it’s a big conservative company it’ll take months or longer to figure out how to put you on a PIP let alone fire you once you start talking about your ADA protections. But …
Formal PIP is a bad idea. Once things are at that point, fire ...
Unfortunatey, formal PIP is an absolute necessity in countries with strong labor protection laws (i.e., most of Western Europ). You cannot easily fire someone without a big fat dossier that …
Stay or Leave: Manager Admitted I am on PIP because quota
2023年7月21日 · I'm never been PIP'd myself, but I've seen it happen to many -- and it's never resulted in anything good, nor has it ever seemed as if the purpose was actually to improve …
As much as everyone hates on Amazon, no manager can block a …
How does a pip effect improved performance when the employee isn't even aware they're in one? Is trying to switch teams the only way to discover that, or are there other indirect ways?
One underlying problem with these PIP type programs at FAANG …
One underlying problem with these PIP type programs at FAANG seems to be that they have very high barriers to entry in the interview process, and then act like 30% of the company
Pips are disingenuous. If you get put on one, find a new job as fast …
2024年6月11日 · If you get put on a PIP, you know what game you're playing, and you absolutely should not quit. Make them fire you, and collect unemployment. Then move on to the next host.
If you're ever put on a PIP, get out - Hacker News
A PIP basically means you get more refined and structured feedback way more often. I'm not saying that a PIP is a hugely positive or stress-free thing for anyone, but we try to assume …