Question about CST MWS boundary conditions? - Physics Forums
2009年7月4日 · During the simulation, a warning message "some PEC material is touching the boundary" was show. After change the boundary condition setting to "open(add space)" then …
Which Plastic for Slide Charts? PVC, PEC or - Physics Forums
2009年1月5日 · The manufacturer is now recommending PEC for the application, which is suppose to be more susceptible to higher temperatures. Can anyone verify that PEC would be …
Question on TEM wave travel in parallel plate transmission line.
2011年2月9日 · With a PEC material, there is no energy loss in generating currents. But once we allow for the plates to have a finite conductivity then we introduce a small loss since we have …
Image Theory for an Electric Dipole - Physics Forums
2025年3月5日 · image 3: located at (a,0,-a) - oriented in the +z direction i.e. +Iℓ moment (normal component of E over PEC should reinforce the source) Now, for vector N (𝜃,𝜙): - In the textbook I …
Boundary conditions and time domain electromagnetic waves
2011年2月4日 · The cylinders are PEC material (perfect electrically conductor). Moreover, the cylinders are semi infinite, but from z = 0 to z = -L (L = length > 0) there's a lossy dielectric …
What is Sub-Material? Meaning & Examples - Physics Forums
2013年4月24日 · What is meant by the sub-material? Such as if you mix three differential materials, for example, coffee + sugar + water, which one them is the sub-material? Thank you
Materials and Chemical Engineering Forum - Physics Forums
2019年10月19日 · Join the expert discussion on Materials and Chemical Engineering topics. Includes topics on the properties of matter and its applications. Metal Production, Fabrication, …
Understanding Material Breakage: Fractures, Fatigue, and More
2013年2月4日 · Hi and thank you in advance. I want to understand how do fractures/breaks/fatigues occur in general. I remember a proverb saying that when a farmer …
EM waves: multiple planar interfaces (PEC-backed lossy dielectric)
2012年12月14日 · Layer 3 is a perfect electric conductor (PEC). The freespace wavelength of an incident EM wave is 1m. Find the power reflection coefficient R's numerical value for an …
Phase Arrangement of Parallel Medium-Voltage Cables - Physics …
2023年10月30日 · I work on a 20 kV substation project in which the existing parallel single core cables with a cross-sectional area of 800 mm² per phase should be doubled, meaning the …