pdp 8 - Size of the PDP-8 - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
2018年3月7日 · The PDP-8/S, which arrived shortly after the original PDP-8, was in this category; however, because it used a serial arithmetic unit, it was slow and of limited popularity. The …
How did the PDP-8 handle strings? - Retrocomputing Stack …
2014年5月31日 · PDP-8 programs that emit predefined messages almost always use the upper-case only 64 char TTY set, and store them as two 6-bit chars per word. The DEC PDP-8 …
6502 - PDP-8 transistor count - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
2018年3月2日 · The PDP-8 designers wanted memory reference instructions (MRI) like TAD to be able to address zero-page, indirect, current-page, and zero-page-indirect memory references, …
PDP-8 conditional skip and 2-word instructions
2024年1月12日 · This answer is written from information sourced from PDP-8/E & PDP-8/M & PDP-8/F Maintenance Volume 1 (PDF warning). Here is a description of the datapath allowing …
Which PDP-8 boot process variations did exist?
2025年2月2日 · All the PDP-8 I know have magnetic core, and you can see in the OS/8 manual that the manual authors also made the assumption "it's magnetic core, and keeps the value". If …
Arithmetic operations on multiple words on the PDP-8
2016年10月20日 · The static load is an irreducable 5 instructions per additional word of precision. The dynamic load is 8 to 11 cycles per word of precision, depending on indirection. The PDP-8 …
PDP-8 floating point numbers - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
2024年1月10日 · I'm trying to find a single clear statement of the limits to the numbers represented in the PDP-8's three-word format. I found the original documents on this, but they …
pdp 11 - Was the MC6800 based on the PDP-11 or PDP-8?
2024年2月4日 · Furthermore, the PDP-8 and PDP-11 are very different architectures, and their assembler is quite different. An example of a machine which is similar to the PDP-8 is the HP …
Newest 'pdp-8' Questions - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
2024年1月12日 · The PDP-8 was a remarkable exercise in minimalist computer design; some of the aspects of its design are discussed in detail at PDP-8 transistor count One feature it did …
pdp 8 - How did FOCAL convert strings to a number?
2023年4月5日 · While the PDP-8 indeed frequently used 6-bit characters packed into a word, the way FOCAL handled "alphanumeric numbers" seemes to be different. You can easily run a …