Pervasive Development Disorder (Not Otherwise Specified) - Reddit
A place for those diagnosed with PDD-NOS, an autistic spectrum disorder. This place is created to give those with PPD-NOS a way to communicate about their life experiences to gain awareness and understanding of themselves.
PDD-NOS vs Aspergers : r/aspergers - Reddit
2013年3月8日 · PDD-NOS technically means that a person has autism spectrum symptoms that are bad enough to interfere with important aspects of life, but not enough different symptoms or enough symptom categories to officially qualify for a diagnosis of autistic disorder or Asperger's.
PDD-NOS? : r/aspergers - Reddit
2013年9月13日 · Reading the FAQ, it describes PDD-NOS as a specific developmental disorder on the autism spectrum. Wikipedia says the same general thing. How seriously should I take this "diagnosis?" Is PDD-NOS ever used as a stand in for "this person has a weird personality, possibly verging on personality disorder, but we don't really know what it is?"
What is PDD-NOS?? : r/autism - Reddit
2023年10月23日 · PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified) was a diagnosis under the DSM-4. It didn’t have any specific criteria, but was applied when someone showed autistic features that didn’t fully meet the criteria for Autistic Disorder or …
Is PDD-NOS Autism? : r/autism - Reddit
2022年12月27日 · From DSM5: "Note: Individuals with a well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) should be given the diagnosis of autism …
PDD-NOS autism diagnosis, can you help me? : r/autism - Reddit
2021年3月3日 · As you have said since 2013 when the DSM 5 was released PDD NOS was just replaced with ASD (and all other sub categories like aspergers) with a 1-3 level system to explain how much support a person needs. If someone has been diagnosed with PDD NOS it is very likely that they will be in level 1 meaning that they require minimal support.
Is PDD-NOS autism, or its own category?? - Reddit
2012年10月2日 · PDD-NOS Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) is an autism spectrum disorder that is often referred to as atypical autism. A diagnosis of PDD-NOS indicates that the individual has many of the signs of autism while not meeting the full criteria for autism or Asperger Syndrome (AS).
I was diagnosed with pdd-nos and ADHD as a child. Now I hear
2023年8月11日 · a little late, but i have this kind aswell. i got diagnosed back in 2007 but was re evaluated 82638262 times (according to my mom lol) and you’d fall under the “level 1” category, as when the DSM-V was created, they combined asperger’s, PDD-NOS, and Childhood disintegrative disorder into the “level 1” category.
Got told I should have been diagnosed with PDD-NOS as a kid
2021年9月7日 · PDD-NOS is sometimes called "atypical autism". It was given as a diagnosis when someone didn't fully fit the criteria for the other ASD diagnoses. Nowadays, support needs levels are often used for ASD diagnoses instead. If you are a woman, or were assigned female at birth, you are less likely to have stereotypical autism traits.
Question for anyone diagnosed PDD-NOS (known as atypical
2023年7月29日 · These days there’s still confusion. Some people regard PDD-NOS as a catch all term for people who may or may not be autistic. Some regard it as on the autism spectrum. If anyone else got a PDD-NOS diagnosis or knows anything …