Heckler & Koch P7 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch P7 is a German 9×19mm semi-automatic pistol designed by Helmut Weldle and produced from 1979 to 2008 by Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K). [1][2] The P7M13, a variant of the P7 with a double-stack magazine, was produced until 2000. [3]
P7M13 - 枪炮世界
P7M13 和 P7M8 结构完全相同,发射 9 × 19Para 弹,只是弹匣容量为13发。 P7M13 是 1982 年开始投产的,最初设计的目的是为了参与美国陆军新一代军用手枪的竞标,HK的工程师们对原有的 P7M8 型略作修改,将原有 的单排弹匣改为双排结构,以符合美国军方所要求的不得少于10+1发的下限,并在枪身握把与供弹部位 也作了些调整,以适应新的双排单进弹匣,因此握把较原来的标准型略粗了一些,而重量也略增,但基本结构 与外型上与 P7M8 相差无几。 美国军方1984年 …
Gun Review: Heckler and Koch P7M13 | thefirearmblog.com
2015年3月26日 · At seven inches long, five inches tall, an inch and a quarter wide, and weighing almost two pounds, the P7M13 is a rare version of the P7 which some consider to be the penultimate of the series. Originally designed as a higher capacity P7, the M13 variant utilizes a double-stack magazine capable of holding thirteen rounds of 9mm ammunition.
Heckler & Koch P7M13 - H&K P7
The P7M13 is a 9mm pistol similar to the P7M8 except it has a double-stack M agazine that holds 13 rounds. This gives it a wider grip similar to the P7M10. Further manufacture of the 13 round magazines is banned in the USA. The P7M10 magazine is still …
HK P7系列自动手枪 - 火器百科
HK P7M13自动手枪是HK P7系列手枪中的一款,因为其弹匣容弹量13发而得名。 而该系列由6款手枪组成,分别是原型枪PSP、容弹量8发的P7M8,13发的P7M13,10发的P7M10,以及可以更换口径的P7K3和训练手枪P7PT8。 该系列主要的区别就是容弹量不同,基本机构是差不多的。 其闭锁方式为气体延迟闭锁。 HK P7系列自动手枪中,P7M8、P7M10和P7M13采用半自由枪机式自动方式,P7K3和P7PT8采用自由枪机式自动方式。
P7 系列 半自动手枪 - 枪炮世界
经常携带p7m13执勤的郑三炮总结出p7系列的如下优点: 1)紧急情况之下,射击反应速度快而且安全。 从安全状态(保险)到打出第一枪,远远快于任何现代双动手枪。
The H&K P7 M13 is Coming Back? The P7 Pro at SHOT Show 2025!
2025年1月24日 · The P7 Pro P7 Slim takes the iconic HK P7M13 design to the next level while staying true to its roots. Featuring 100% parts interchangeability with the original, the P7 Slim boasts an aluminum frame, a Picatinny rail, a slimmed-down profile under an inch thick, and a featherweight 20-ounce build.
The Aristocrat's Parabellum: Heckler & Koch P7 PSP - Guns.com
2019年8月8日 · With its low-profile slide, innovative “squeeze-cocker” design, and reliable construction, the HK P7 PSP was a serious handgun for its era. (Photos: Richard Taylor/Guns.com) HK P7S FOR SALE....
武器科普67-德国HK公司P7手枪 - 哔哩哔哩
2.p7m13:1982年,hk在p7m8的基础上推出了p7m13,它使用的是双排的13发弹匣。 3.p7pt8:1982年至1983年期间生产,总量不到200把。这种型号因其所使用的pt训练用塑胶弹而得名,因为弹种不同而取消了气体缓冲装置。
Heckler & Koch P7 M13 W/Box, 2 New Factory H&K mags, Trades …
At seven inches long, five inches tall, an inch and a quarter wide, and weighing almost two pounds, the P7M13 is a rare version of the P7 which some consider to be the penultimate of the series. Originally designed as a higher capacity P7, the M13 variant utilizes a double-stack magazine capable of holding thirteen rounds of 9mm ammunition.