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What Does "P.U." (As in Something Smelly) Stand For? - Today I Found Out
2015年2月3日 · Often used to accuse someone of exceeding his allotted level of funk, P.U. is, surprisingly, not an acronym, but, rather, likely was derived simply from the pronunciation of its parent word. Dating back to the early 17th century, a common exclamation of contempt for a …
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What does "P.U." (in reference to stinkiness) stand for?
I think "phew" is a way to write a sigh of relief. The non-exaggerated way to write the sound you make in response to a stink is "pew". (The exaggerated way, naturally, is "P.U.") –
P U - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年10月5日 · Possibly from Spanish fu, an interjection indicating disgust, or from French puer (“to stink”) P U. (euphemistic) An interjection in response to smelling an unpleasant scent. What is that awful smell? P U!
How do you write "P U", the expression for when you smell ... - Reddit
2014年1月23日 · Pee-yew seems to be the accepted spelling, but it's hard to know for sure, as it's basically a nonsense saying. I think it may have evolved from "phew" as an expression of unpleasant surprise, but I did also find this: It's a shortened term for puteo, which is Latin for "to stink, be redolent, or smell bad."
Letter P | Sing and Learn the Letters of the Alphabet - YouTube
Letter p song has lots of repetition to enhance and strengthen learning. Jack sings the letter, letter sound and word the first two times and the third time he sings the letter and letter sounds...
电力电子中此单位p.u.表示什么意思? - 百度知道
p.u.表示的是标幺值。 标幺值是相对单位制的一种。 (标幺值)是电力系统分析和工程计算中常用的数值标记方法,表示各物理量及参数的相对值。
p.u. - Urban Dictionary
2003年8月24日 · Pronounced "Pee Yew" and also spelled "P U" or spelled out "Pfew!", "Phew!," or "Pee-yew!" this aging American interjection, often accompanied with a pinched nose or similar disgusted gesture, indicates the existence of a foul or overpowering odor.