Owen gun - Wikipedia
The Owen gun, known officially as the Owen machine carbine, was an Australian submachine gun that was designed by Evelyn Owen in 1938. The Owen was the only entirely Australian …
Australia’s Owen Gun - Warfare History Network
It was the Owen submachine gun (SMG) or Owen machine carbine, and the Australian infantry often favorably referred to it as the “Digger’s Darling.” According to historian Michael Haskew, …
The Australian Owen SMG - Forgotten Weapons
Mar 25, 2013 · The Owen gun story begins with a young 23-year-old Evelyn Owen and his incessant tinkering with guns. In 1938 he perfected (well, sort of) a homemade full auto …
The Owen Gun Was Favored By Australian Troops for Its …
Feb 28, 2023 · The Owen gun underwent testing in September 1941, with the Australian military pitting it against the US Thompson and British STEN submachine guns. It immediately showed …
The Australian Owen SMG - YouTube
Mar 24, 2013 · The Australian-designed Owen submachine gun is a weapon with quite a story behind it. The Owen is arguably the best subgun used during WWII, and also probabl...
Owen Gun: Down Under’s Upside Down SMG - The Armory Life
Feb 21, 2023 · Back during WWII when gun designers were crafting such conventional weapons as the German MP-40, America’s M-3 Grease Gun, the Russian PPSh, and the British Sten, …
The Owen Gun - Field Ethos
Dec 26, 2023 · Evelyn Owen sold the patent to the Australian government for 10,000 pounds and used that money to buy enough liquor to kill a herd of water buffalo—or one Evelyn Owen. He …
Evelyn Owen - Wikipedia
Evelyn Ernest Owen (15 May 1915 – 1 April 1949) was an Australian who developed the Owen gun, which was used by the Australian Army in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam …
Meet the Owen: The Weirdest Submachine Gun to Fire a Shot
Apr 20, 2019 · If there were a contest for the weirdest and wackiest-looking submachine gun of World War II, Australia’s Owen would win hands-down. It looks as if the designer cobbled it …
Owen Submachine Gun - Engineering Heritage Australia
The Australian-designed and manufactured 9mm Owen submachine gun contributed significantly to fewer casualties and to the defeat of the Japanese army in the Pacific War from 1942 to …