Q Factor - Optical Cavity - COMSOL
2010年5月12日 · I am trying to find the Q factor for an optical cavity in 3D geometry in RF Module. I made the 3D geometry and I ran the eigen value solver to find the eigen modes and I am able to find the eigen mode which looks similar to the one I am looking for. At this moment, If I use th
How to Analyze Laser Cavity Stability with Multiphysics Ray Tracing
2017年6月15日 · Ray-tracing results for a laser cavity with the same mirrors and a little longer cavity length after 20 round-trips. The y-component of the unit wave vector. In general, the transfer matrix for the right mirror with the radius of curvature R 1, the left mirror with R 2, and the cavity length L for one round-trip is written as
Simulation of the Thermal Stability of an Optical Cavity Jose A. Ospina 1, Enrico Canuto 1Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy *Corso duca degli abruzzi 24, Torino, Italy. Email: jose.ospina@polito,it Abstract: The research project under which the COMSOL simulations are performed deals with multilayer and fine thermal control of an optical
How to obtain Q-factors of a optical cavity - COMSOL
2024年2月14日 · Hi, I'm very new to COMSOL. I was trying to mimic the method on "Computing Q Factors and Resonant Frequencies of Cavity Resonators" but in the Wave Optics Module. I wanted to put damping terms on my cavity, but I have no idea which B.C. to use. Numerical calculations give TEM003 mode in approximately 13.85 GHz, and I was willing to see that …
Fabry-Perot Cavity - COMSOL
This is an example of a Fabry-Perot cavity, the simplest optical resonator structure. It is a classical problem in optics and photonics. Two methods are shown for computing the Q-factor. The losses in this model are purely via radiation away from the resonator.
2 | TWO-MIRROR LASER CAVITY Introduction Lasers are ubiquitous in application areas such as cutting, ablation, telecommunication, and spectroscopy, among others. Typically, lasers are produced by a laser cavity or optical cavity containing a set of mirrors, a gain medium, and possibly some other optical components such as prisms or lenses.
Transmission spectra of an optical cavity - COMSOL
2018年6月6日 · Transmission spectra of an optical cavity Posted Jun 6, 2018, 8:08 a.m. EDT Ray Optics, RF & Microwave Engineering, Wave Optics 0 Replies Adithya Ganesh
Design and Simulation of Bragg Grating Based Optomechanical
Accordingly, silicon photonics has shown great potential in bringing together mechanical probes and optical cavity as compact sensors for many sensing applications. In this work, we present an optomechanical sensor based on the integration of a Bragg grating in silicon photonic waveguides with a cantilever beam on a single silicon chip for ...
Cavity Eigenfrequency Modeling Using the Electromagnetic Waves …
The second method uses a nonlinear eigenfrequency setup, together with the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface. This method is also used in the Wave Optics Module Application Library model Transverse Modes for a Symmetric Laser Cavity and is included for comparison with the first method.
Ultra low power resonant optical trap in a 2D hollow photonic crystal cavity with permanent trapping achieved at 120µW powers. • Dynamic resonance shift resulting from the strong perturbation of single particle inside the cavity demonstrated. • Presence of particle-cavity coupling is revealed and this