OLLCP - Speed Cube Database
OLLCP or Orientation of the Last Layer and Corner Permutation is a large set that solves both OLL and the corner permutation. Following an OLLCP, you will only have EPLL. COLL is a subset of OLLCP, and is most commonly learnt as a primer to learning ZBLL
OLLCP Algorithms - CubingApp
OLLCP stands for Orientation of Last Layer and Corner Permutation. As the name implies, this step solves OLL and corner permutation at the same time. OLLCP is typically used with CFOP, and it is an advanced algorithm set.
OLLCP - Speed Cube Database
Free online speedcubing algorithm and reconstruction database, covers every algorithm for 2x2 - 6x6, SQ1, Pyraminx and Megaminx
What is the best approach to learning OLLCP? : r/Cubers - Reddit
Apr 9, 2023 · Here are all OLLCP algs. In general, I recommend learning ROLL before attempting to learn new algs because many OLLCP's aren't much faster than doing OLL + PLL with adj CP.
Rubik's Cube: 10 OLLCP Algorithms You Should Know
For each case I show my main alg, and then an alg that solves the case that would normally give me a diagonal corner swap PLL.Yes, I regularly use the algori...
OLLCP - CubeRoot
Last update on 2021/8/3. This Post Has 4 Comments. taaraq 22 Mar 2020 Log in to Reply
OLLCP - Cubing History
OLLCP is a method for solving the last layer. Proposer: Masayuki Akimoto, others. Proposed: Early 2000s. Steps: Solve the last layer corners and orient all last layer edges. Permute the last layer edges. Click here for more step details on the SpeedSolving wiki. The first known mention of OLLCP is in February 2005 [1].
For which OLLs is it worth using OLLCP, and got any ... - Reddit
Jul 30, 2023 · I'm gonna be learning a large chunk of OLLCP in the future in order to get sub 45, and I know it's worth it most of the time but not when you get a particularly good OLL. Exactly which OLLs have standard algorithms that are too fast for there to be viable alternatives?
OLLCP 50 - Speed Cube Database
OLLCP 50. 3x3. Submit. Latest Reviews 3x3. X-Man XT3 v1. So, so fast. Basilio Noris - January 23rd, 2025. 3x3. Dayan Zhanchi v5. The quietest cube of the past 4 years, with the best customization range of this generation. Basilio Noris - January 16th, 2025. 3x3. Tornado v4.
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