先锋级联合高速船 - 百度百科
先锋级联合高速船由美国军事海运司令部主导经营的JHSV项目发展而来,用以支持联合或联军部队作战的陆军和海军。 主要作用是在全球范围的任务中运输部队,军用车辆,货物和设备,并支持军事物流和人道主义救援行动,体现了美军高速机动的新理念。 其采用了双体船设计并能够在浅水区域中航行,它的飞行甲板能够支持直升机和无人机昼夜起降,具有吃水浅,速度快,有效载荷高的特点,将成为未来美国海军和陆军水面部队的重要装备。 [1-6] 先锋级联合高速船自2003年 …
USNS Spearhead - Wikipedia
USNS Spearhead (JHSV-1/T-EPF-1) is the lead ship of the Spearhead -class expeditionary fast transport to be operated by the United States Navy ' s Military Sealift Command. USNS Spearhead was christened on 17 September 2011.
Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport - Wikipedia
The Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport (EPF) is a United States Navy –led shipbuilding program to provide a high-speed, shallow draft vessel intended for rapid intra-theater transport of medium-sized cargo payloads.
U.S. Navy's Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF) - YouTube
The U.S. Navy's Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF) program, formerly named the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV), is capable of transporting troops and their eq...
USNS Millinocket - Wikipedia
USNS Millinocket (JHSV-3/T-EPF-3) (ex-Fortitude) is the third Spearhead -class expeditionary fast transport, which is operated by the United States Navy ' s Military Sealift Command and was built in Mobile, Alabama. [3][4]
Spearhead Class Expeditionary Fast Transport Vessels - Naval …
2017年12月18日 · Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF) ships are built by Austal USA as part of the EPF programme initiated by the US Navy. The JHSV features a Navair level 1 class 2 certified flight deck to support the operations of one helicopter, such as a CH-53E Super Stallion.
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These documents are specific to the JHSV (Joint High Speed Vessel) Program. Please refer to the latest revision level of each document.
Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF) / Joint High Speed Vessel …
The Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF), formerly named the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV), is a shallow draft, all aluminum, commercial-based catamaran capable of intra theater personnel and cargo...
2019年8月22日 · The JHSV is a high-speed, shallow-draft surface vessel designed for intra-theater transport of personnel and medium cargo payloads for the joint force. JHSV bridges the gap between large-capacity, low-speed sealift and small-capacity, high-speed airlift. JHSV is a redesign of a commercial catamaran capable of accessing relatively austere ports.
Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF) | Austal: Corporate
In November 2008, Austal was awarded a contract to design and construct the first 103-meter Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) - now known as Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF) - with options for nine additional ships. The current contract for 15 ships is valued at over $1.9 billion.