Oil Light ON?? - Harley Davidson Forums
2011年9月26日 · My '05 Dyna Glide while on short trip uptown started showing the red oil light when at idle. A bit of throttle and it went away. First time this ever occured. Cut the trip short and returned home to check the oil and it being hot checked the manual where it should read on the stick and sure enough just a bit under the full mark for hot conditions.
2019 FLHC-107 oil light on issue - Harley Davidson Forums
2022年9月24日 · Lack of oil pressure will destroy your engine in minutes. The oil light does NOT see or care how high the pressure is. Be it 10 psi or 90 psi. It sees enough pressure to keep the tiny spring in the sensor off the seat. When the oil press drops enough to relax the spring in the sensor it closes the contacts thus illuminating the "LOW OIL ...
Wrong oil filter installed on Twin Cam 96ci Oil light ON
2022年3月2日 · He did an oil change and forgot to change the filter. When I saw that upon my return he agreed to perform another oil change with a new filter this time. After a week sitting I decided to go for a ride and now have my oil light ON after startup (will stay on 3 to 5 seconds).
Road king oil light - Harley Davidson Forums
2010年11月15日 · If the light comes on: Sensor is bad. (you can also just use a jumper wire, and leave it connected to the switch for the test.) If the light doesn't come on: Wire issue, or the bulb is loose in the oil light, or corroded. The sensor triggers the light at 4 psi or lower. If you truly had no oil psi, you'd hear the tappets clattering.
Oil light on at idle - Harley Davidson Forums
2014年10月9日 · my buddies oil light started coming on tonight when we were stopped at red lights and stop signs, wasnt on any other time. No knockin or weird sounds coming from the engine but the bike is sidelined to this gets sorted out. Im thinking either a short in the wire to the oil pressure switch or just a failing switch all together.
Oil light stays on - Harley Davidson Forums
2017年5月25日 · An oil pressure gauge can be expensive, so I'd go buy a CHEAP oil pressure light switch. Swap out the old one and see if the light goes out. If so you are done, if not there is something that needs attention.
Oil light - Harley Davidson Forums
2019年9月12日 · If the oil pressure drops below a certain PSI, the oil light comes on. This could be oil level too low, or it could be the oil has become very thin (oil was too light to begin witn for conditions, old, overheated, etc). Could also be the oil pump isn't working right, but most likely cause is a low oil level.
Oil pressure light - Harley Davidson Forums
2022年9月18日 · I am very familiar with that bikes friggin oil light! Very familiar, in deed! That oil lamp is on the indicator bar just forward of the speedometer. The Oil lamp in the actual speedo is not used. The RED lamp next to the green neutral light is the low oil pressure light. It should come on whenever the engine is NOT running and the Key is ON.
Oil Light Flickering - Harley Davidson Forums
2017年4月17日 · Sportster transmissions and primaries share the same oil supply but the motor has its own so the light coming on shouldnt be related to the trans/primary. If your motor oil isnt low you may have a bad connection or a bad oil pressure sensor.
2001 ultra Classic oil light stays on | Harley Davidson Forums
2010年2月22日 · if no plastic was present replace your oil light sending unit to correct the problem . IF THERE IS PLASTIC REMOVE YOUR OIL PUMP PICKUP AN CLEAN THE SCREEN TILL YOU CAN GET YOUR BIKE TO A GOOD MECHANIC TO MAKE REPAIRS TO YOUR CAMS & TENSIONERS .