Download our OICL app now! BEWARE OF SUSPICIOUS PHONE CALLS OF FICTITIOUS / FRAUDULENT OFFERS IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums.
OICL - The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd
Download our OICL app now! BEWARE OF SUSPICIOUS PHONE CALLS OF FICTITIOUS / FRAUDULENT OFFERS IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums.
OICL - The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd
Welcome to The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd., OICL is an Indian public sector insurance company owned by the Government of India and administered by the Ministry of Finance. The company has 29 regional offices and more than 2,000 active branches nationwide.
OICL - The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd
Contact Oriental Insurance Company Ltd for customer support and inquiries.
OICL - The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd
Download our OICL app now! BEWARE OF SUSPICIOUS PHONE CALLS OF FICTITIOUS / FRAUDULENT OFFERS IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums.
OICL has its head office at New Delhi, Primary Data Centre (PDC) at Bengaluru and Secondary Data Centre (SDC/DR) at Vashi (Navi Mumbai), 30 regional offices in various cities, Oriental Staff Training
7037 q-25/27, ?-110002 THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (A Government of India Undertaking) Regd.& Head Office: "Oriental House", P.B. NO. 7037
Head Office DATA FORMAT FOR REGISTERING COMPLAINT * Mandatory Fields *Name of Complainant Communication Details *Door No./ Bldg/Name/ Floor Street / Area *City/Town/Panchayath/Village Taluk/Tehzil District *State *Pin Code E- Mail Telephone No *Mobile No Fax No *Insurance Type (Please mentioned Insurance Type * Non Life
OICL reserves the right to change the dates mentioned in the RFP. A copy of the Tender document is available on the web portal www.orientalinsurance.org.in under the link ‘Tenders’.
The Oriental Insurance Company Limited 2 Electrical & Mechanical Breakdowns Burglary & Theft Negligence, Lack of Skill, Carelessness In short, the cover provided is for damage caused by unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from any cause (other than those specifically excluded‐ explained in subsequent