[Guide] Complete Guide to Using Odin(de-bloat,root and recover)
Aug 21, 2012 · hi there i've got a samsung galaxy s3 i9300 and one day the battery died and after leaving it to charge and then trying to power it , it was stock on the samsung s3 screen after watching and reading several methods i've come to using the odin i downloaded a firmware named jelly bean 4.1.1 and the phone did the same thing after i followed all the instructions …
Galaxy S5: Odin failing to root - Android Central
May 18, 2014 · NOTE: Sometimes the device does *not* boot into recovery mode and root your device. Just do the entire procedure again if this happens. If it still will not install root and such, make sure that in Odin "Auto Reboot" is not checked. Then after flashing, pull the battery, and boot with VolUp+Home+Power button to boot into recovery manually.
Note 3 failed with odin now bricked! Help please
Mar 20, 2014 · My problem is as follows: I tried rooting with odin, installed kies for the usb support but halfway through the root process I get the big RED FAILED! phone's progress bar stops and it hangs. I though this was strange and never encountered this before.
[Guide] How to Root the Samsung Galaxy S5 | Android Central
May 8, 2014 · By rooting (aka gaining admin rights to) your Samsung Galaxy S5, you can install a custom ROM, run rooted apps, undervolt or overclock the processor and even remove all the bloatware your carrier put on the phone. A popular programmer from the XDA developer forums named Chainfire has created an...
Odin says pass but doesn't work - Android Central
May 3, 2015 · I tried redoing CF root (Odin gives me the green PASS each time) but nothing helps. I just got this phone a few hours ago so I'm not sure what version of Android kernal it has, and cannot check because I can't boot the phone. I believe it's KitKat 4.4.2. The CF file is CF-Auto-Root-kltetmo-kltetmo-smg900t.tar.md5
[ODIN] Official Froyo ED01 packaged custom ROMs w/Root
Jan 11, 2011 · 15.) Close ODIN, remove USB cable from phone, reinsert battery, power on phone and let ROM fully load. 16.) Power down phone, remove battery. 17.) Open ODIN. 18.) Reconnect phone to USB cable as described above in step 11. 19.) Click on the PDA button in ODIN. (Don't forget the warning about making sure you clicked the PDA button) 20.)
All Things GS6: Rooting / Flashing / Unrooting / Odin / Firmware
Jan 13, 2011 · 5. BetterBatteryStats, WakelockDetector and especially Greenify have been amazing. Even if you only root without installing a custom ROM, these apps will greatly improve your battery life. I could never really get Greenify working to its full potential before rooting. Before root and custom ROM, I would come home from work with 20-25% battery left.
Galaxy S5: Odin failing to root - Android Central
Oct 5, 2016 · I cannot understand why you cannot root by using CF-Auto-Root on your G900T model. Millions have used that method worldwide. Perhaps you could try One Click or Kingo Root. None of those ADB options can root you. Alternatively, try flashing the stock Samsung firmware for your phone and try CF-Auto-Root again.
[How to][VZW GNote2] Root/Rom via Odin w/video
Dec 6, 2012 · Guide: How To Odin Flash Root or Roms [NOTE]Below are Mirrored downloads to Galaxy Note 2 Odin Flashable Rooted stock rom and Custom Roms. As new Roms become available i will add to this list and I will make the original contents available by linking the names of each rom to their origin.
Solution: How to PERMANENTLY Remove Knox | Android Central
Feb 27, 2014 · After checking out various sites I eventually got round to rooting my Galaxy Note 2 N7100, Android 4.42, using Odin 3.09 and a CF-Auto-Root-t03g-t03gxx-gtn7100.zip. As soon as I had rooted the phone I got the dreaded 'Unortunately SuperSu has stopped working' message.