List of Federal Holidays for 2025 and 2026 - FederalPay.org
What federal holidays are in October? There is just one federal holiday in October: Columbus Day. Columbus Day is on the second Monday of October which falls between October 8th and October 14th. This holiday honors Christopher Columbus. Some places in the U.S. this holiday is instead used to celebrate Indigenous Peoples.
Columbus Day - List of Federal Holidays for 2025
Many private-sector employees will also receive paid time off or special holiday pay on Columbus Day. Columbus day commemorates the arrival of the Christopher Columbus in the Americas. It is celebrated every second Monday of October, and has been a federal holiday since 1937.
Provided by FederalPay.org https://www.federalpay.org/holidayshttps://www.federalpay.org/holidays
Provided by FederalPay.org https://www.federalpay.org/holidays † When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, most employees observed the holiday on the previous Friday or following …
Washington's Birthday - List of Federal Holidays for 2025
Washington's Birthday is one of eleven federal holidays recognized nationwide by the United States Government. All non-essential federal government offices are closed on Washington's Birthday, and all federal employees are paid even if they receive the day off.
2020 Federal Holidayshttps://www.federalpay.org/holidays
Veterans Day - List of Federal Holidays for 2025
Veterans Day is one of eleven federal holidays recognized nationwide by the United States Government. All non-essential federal government offices are closed on Veterans Day, and all federal employees are paid even if they receive the day off.
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Today, October 9th, 2023, is a federal holiday. All non-essential federal employees are off work in observance of Columbus Day. Read more about Federal Holidays!