ODROID Single Board Computers - Reddit
Odroid UK are ignoring the issue and desperately trying to find some way to blame me (they can't, and it's 1000% faulty hardware) and have now resorted to simply ignoring my emails. Since I …
ODROID N2+ SSD Boot Configuration Guide - Reddit
2022年8月30日 · It's very old thread and works for XU4. My suggestion for ODROID-N2/N2Plus since you are assuming to use Petitboot, attach the storage to PC and flash a OS image using …
Low power homelab storage upgrade - Odroid H4 edition
2024年5月9日 · I'm about to get an Odroid H4 Ultra as my new home server. I also want to upgrade my storage. So far, I've been using a 4 TB SSD, which will be replaced by 20 TB …
xu4 refuses to boot from emmc : r/ODroid - Reddit
2020年4月11日 · My situation was a little bit different than yours since I installed Arch Linux on mine, but in order to get it to boot off of the emmc module I first had to boot it with both Micro …
C2 boot problems : r/ODroid - Reddit
2024年3月9日 · I have a handful of oDroid C2 units that my company decommissioned. They have trouble booting. I can get them to boot to a point, but they seem to stop and fail at …
Odroid N2+ or Raspberry pi 4? : r/ODroid - Reddit
2022年8月17日 · Hello group, you see for some time I have wanted to buy a SBC to use as a media player, my first choice is the raspberry pi 4 but according to what I have read there are …
Need help with accessing the ODroid through SSH : r/ODroid
2021年11月11日 · I'm currently running Ubuntu 18.0.4 on an ODroid N2+. To my understanding, I'm supposed to do the following to connect my laptop to the ODroid through SSH: Connect …
Boot from USB to install to eMMC : r/ODroid - Reddit
2022年2月20日 · r/ODroid This is a place to discuss Hardkernel's ODROID family of Single Board computers and their related software and hardware projects, troubleshooting, OS images, and …
Which one to get n2+ vs m1 : r/ODroid - Reddit
2023年2月26日 · r/ODroid This is a place to discuss Hardkernel's ODROID family of Single Board computers and their related software and hardware projects, troubleshooting, OS images, and …
Standard PC vs odroid H4 : r/selfhosted - Reddit
2024年5月17日 · 2 ODroid H4, 4 ODroid C4, ODroid HC2, 8 Port Mikrotik Switch, Mikrotik RB5009, and a Mikrotik wAP XL. I can tell you specifically that the H4 can be tuned in the …