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DATE: February 9, 2010 TO: Oregon Transportation Commission FROM: Matthew L. Garrett Director SUBJECT: I-5/Coburg Interchange Area Management Plan Requested Action: Adoption of the I-5/Coburg Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP). Background: The Coburg IAMP has been prepared pursuant to OAR 734-0051-0155(b) and the ODOT Guidelines
Oregon Department of Transportation : Home : State of Oregon
Oregon Department of Transportation home page. Official websites use .gov. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 2 BELTLINE HIGHWAY: COBURG ROAD TO RIVER ROAD FACILITY PLAN JULY 2014 . Introduction . Oregon 569 (the Randy Pape Beltline Highway) is a state facility located in Eugene, Oregon.
Truck Stops with Fax Service on Oregon Highways
This is not intended to be a complete listing of all truck stops in or bordering Oregon. The numbers shown are subject to change without notice and should be verified by the motor carrier and/or driver.
Region 3 Southwest Oregon
ODOT's Southwest Oregon Region 3 is charged with the safe and effective construction, operation, and maintenance of U.S. and state highways. Region 3 serves Douglas, Curry, Coos, Josephine and Jackson Counties.
The Foothill Road Improvement project is a modernization and safety project which widens two miles of Foothill Road between Hillcrest Road and Delta Waters Road in East Medford.
State of Oregon: Blue Book - Incorporated Cities: Coburg
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Pond - Oregon.gov
coburg nhs nhs 5 5 h y k ponds r k k s d l pond s y 29 28 32 33 28 33 5 4 32 33 33 4 3 34 21 22 28 27 20 21 29 28 27 34 cemetery norma i.o.o.f. fire sta. park ...
Safe Routes to School Programs - Oregon.gov
The Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee, or SRAC, consists of approximately 15 volunteers who have been appointed by the ODOT Director.The committee meets at least quarterly and is charged with recommending projects for funding in ODOT's Safe Routes to School Construction and Non-Construction Grant Programs.