OCF - Specifications - Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
Nov 16, 2023 · The specification provides mapping for Device Types (AllJoyn to/from OCF), identifies equivalent OCF Resources for both mandatory and optional AllJoyn interfaces and for each interface defines the detailed Property by Property mapping using OCF defined extensions to JSON schema to programmatically define mappings.
Open Connectivity Foundation - GitHub
Open Connectivity Foundation has 37 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Open Connectivity Foundation - Wikipedia
The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) is an industry organization to develop standards, promote a set of interoperability guidelines, and provide a certification program for devices involved in the Internet of things (IoT). By 2016 it claimed to be one of the biggest industrial connectivity standards organizations for IoT. [2]
GitHub - openconnectivityfoundation/IoTDataModels: Repository for OCF ...
Repository for OCF data models. Contribute to openconnectivityfoundation/IoTDataModels development by creating an account on GitHub.
OCF's DataPipe based dataloader for training and inference
OCF's DataPipes for training and inference in Pytorch. ⚠️ Note this repo will soon be deprecated in favour of ocf-data-sampler. These datapipes are designed to be composable and modular, and follow the same setup as for the in-built Pytorch Datapipes. There are some great docs on how they can be composed and used here.
Mar 2, 2019 · An (OCF) Endpoint is defined as the source or destination of a request and response messages for a given Transport Protocol Suites (e.g. CoAP over UDP over IPv6). The specific definition of an Endpoint depends on the Transport Protocol Suites being used. (e.g.) For CoAP/UDP/IPv6, Endpoint is identified as IP address + port number.
OCF members work across the enterprise layers of infrastructure, applications, and data. They collaborate to co-create and deploy systems in an open and standardized way, enabling devices to communicate over IP, regardless of form factor, operating system, service provider, transport technology, or ecosystem.
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Configure Sampling and Profiling for OCF Data Sources
Jan 4, 2024 · Sampling is a data source operation that selects a sample of 10,000 rows from database tables, providing catalog users with a quick preview of the data. The samples can be viewed on the Samples tab on the table catalog pages or …
Configure Access to OCF Data Sources — Alation User Guide
Mar 5, 2024 · Basic access controls are always available and enable you to configure access for an entire data source. All objects in a data source inherit the privacy mode and permission levels of the data source. If table-level privacy is enabled, you can also set privacy modes and permission levels for individual tables. With basic access controls, you can: