html - What do <o:p> elements do anyway? - Stack Overflow
Couldn't find any official documentation (no surprise there) but according to this interesting article (original link dead, this links to web archive of it), those elements are injected in order to …
What's the difference between a compiler's `-O0` option and `-Og` …
2020年8月13日 · Quick summary. Do not use -Og.-Og breaks debugging.. Use -ggdb -O0 (preferred if using the gdb debugger), or -g3 -O0 instead.
oop - Object oriented programming paradigms - Stack Overflow
2016年1月11日 · @bogl: Since OOP IS the paradigm, I don't think there is much to say about it in general. Wether the question is poorly asked or the question targets the concrete …
c++ - What does (~0L) mean? - Stack Overflow
2014年12月22日 · 0L is a long integer value with all the bits set to zero - that's generally the definition of 0.The ~ means to invert all the bits, which leaves you with a long integer with all …
sql - mysql array in Where clause? - Stack Overflow
2019年3月22日 · m2x i5d t8i o0p k6r I am looking for the best way to use this list in my query Where clause to match all the records from a table where first 3 digits is in this list. How can I …
object oriented - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
2015年1月21日 · A class is a type. "{(x,y) | x is any int, y is any double}"" would be almost correct, except for two things: 1) you've used a tuple while a class is conceptually a record - you refer …
Create a dictionary from all instances of a class OOP python
Not entirely clear how you intend to update the country data, but it sounds like what you need is just to store the country data objects in a dictionary of dictionaries, with a series of database …
What is the difference between -O0 ,-O1 and -g - Stack Overflow
2012年3月12日 · -O0 is optimization level 0 (no optimization, same as omitting the -O argument)-O1 is optimization level 1.-g generates and embeds debugging symbols in the binaries.
c - Differences between -O0 and -O1 in GCC - Stack Overflow
2012年12月11日 · While compiling some code I noticed big differences in the assembler created between -O0 and -O1. I wanted to run through enabling/disabling optimisations until I found …
c - GCC : weird errors with -O0, none without - Stack Overflow
2017年11月8日 · I'd like to compile my C code without optimisations, but when I add the -O0 option to the compilation command I get lots of "multiple definitions" errors, of functions I didn't …