Powering the LK&O – Part III; Powering the LK&O – Part II; Powering the LK&O – Part I; Lapeer Grain Under Seizure; Voltage Droppers; Circuit Breaker and Block Detector Final Units; Rail Pro Arrives on the LK&O; Accurail 3 bay ACF Release; Circuit Breaker and Block Detection Design; Tortoises en masse; Tortoise Printed Circuit Boards ...
Lower Backdrops - LK&O
2025年1月2日 · LK&O. A Railroad with Relevance. About; Givens & Druthers; Roster; Track Plan; Lower Backdrops. Written By: Alan - Jan• 01•25. You would be forgiven for thinking I fell off the planet. It has been a whopping eight months since the last post. This summer was a whirlwind with a project list a mile long culminating in a major driveway ...
About « LK&O
The LK&O model railroad is an HO scale proto-free lance model railroad representing a small section of Lapeer MI, a bend in the Potomac river at Kitzmiller MD, and a swath of property in Akron OH. These three areas have specific relevance to me and railroading.
Layout Design Process « LK&O
There are 3 major vignettes on the LK&O – Brittain Yard, Lapeer at Saginaw St., and Kitzmiller. Instead of thinking about a cohesive whole I instead focused on each of the primary locations in isolation. Task number one – determine the LDE’s (Layout Design Elements) of each scene. Brittain Yard: Curved yard tracks
A Little Bit of Clarification « LK&O
A good friend reading the LK&O blog for the first time commented that I did not make it entirely clear what railroad is the LK&O (or will be). Is the LK&O a real railroad that is being modeled or is it fictional? What relationship does the LK&O have with AC&Y, CSX, and CN?
Powering the LK&O – Part II
The LK&O has power! I have completed installation of three individual power buses around the layout – track power, control power, and accessory power. The track bus and its power supply delivers 17.1V DC at a maximum current of 7A.
LK&O Gets a Logo!
2016年1月19日 · Nothing on the railroad itself is branded LK&O. The name won’t appear on any locomotives, rolling stock, or station houses. It is merely a simple way to refer to the whole of my cherry-picked AC&Y, GT, and WM railroad amalgamation.
Benchwork Elevations « LK&O
To have the best of both worlds, maximum deck-to-deck spacing and deep scenery where needed, the LK&O is built at three different benchwork planes. The Akron area benchwork plane is 53″, six inches higher than the benchwork plane at Kitzmiller at 47″.
Lower Deck Benchwork – Part II « LK&O
2024年4月27日 · Shelf brackets. To support the upper deck I used workstation brackets made by A&M Hardware.The arched design results in less bracket intruding into the lower deck scene. The A&M brackets are super strong 1/8″ steel capable of supporting 1000 lbs per pair according to their description but they are quite spendy.
The Unit Train « LK&O
On the LK&O Mettiki Coal, located in Table Rock MD, ships unit trains of bituminous coal from the mines in West Virginia and Maryland on CSX via the Thomas Subdivision. The Spirit of Cumberland SD70MAC on the LK&O roster is the perfect workhorse for …