The northern Nevada rift: Regional tectono-magmatic relations …
As defined by the most recent aeromagnetic surveys, the north-northwest-trending northern Nevada rift zone extends for at least 500 km from southern Nevada to the Oregon Nevada border.
A prominent geophysical feature along the northern Nevada rift …
2008年2月1日 · We consider the origin and character of a prominent large-scale geophysical feature in north-central Nevada that is coincident with the western margin of the northern Nevada rift—a mid-Miocene rift that includes mafic dike swarms and associated volcanic rocks expressed by a NNW-striking magnetic anomaly.
The northern Nevada rift is a long, narrow, north-northwest-trending alignment of middle Miocene volcanic and hypabyssal rocks and epithermal gold-silver and mercury deposits formed during west-southwest to east-northeast extension.
Reappraisal of the relationship between the northern Nevada rift …
2013年7月23日 · The northern Nevada rift is a prominent mafic dike swarm and magnetic anomaly in north-central Nevada inferred to record the Middle Miocene (16.5-15.0 Ma) extension direction in the northern Basin and Range province in the western United States.
Three-dimensional geologic model of the northern Nevada rift …
2007年12月1日 · The geology of the eastern northern Nevada rift and the Beowawe geothermal system is complex and is characterized by two distinct sets of structures that play an important role in localizing mineral and geothermal resources and providing conduits for fluid flow—those associated with Miocene east-northeast to west-southwest, rift-related ...
A prominent geophysical feature along the northern Nevada rift …
2008年2月1日 · We consider the origin and character of a prominent large-scale geophysical feature in north-central Nevada that is coincident with the western margin of the northern Nevada rift—a mid-Miocene rift that includes mafic dike swarms and associated volcanic rocks expressed by a NNW-striking magnetic anomaly.
Northern Nevada Rift Domain - WESTERN CORDILLERA
2006年9月12日 · The Northern Nevada Rift domain is about 30 miles wide and 110 miles long and is well developed from the northern portion of the Roberts Mountains through the northern Simpson Park and Cortez Mountains, Dry Hills, northern Shoshone and Sheep Creek Ranges, to north of the Midas area.
Lateral Faults and the Northern Nevada Rift - WESTERN …
2006年9月12日 · The largest of these lateral fault zones in northeastern Nevada is the Northern Nevada Rift, a 250 km long Mid-Miocene Rift or lateral fault zone which appears to mark the inception of Basin and Range extension within northern Nevada.
The northern Nevada rift is a prominent mafi c dike swarm and magnetic anomaly in north-central Nevada inferred to record the Middle Miocene (16.5–15.0 Ma) extension direction in the northern Basin and Range province in the western United States.
The northern Nevada rift: Regional tectono-magmatic relations …
1994年3月1日 · The northern Nevada rift is a prominent mafic dike swarm and magnetic anomaly in north-central Nevada inferred to record the Middle Miocene (16.5–15.0 Ma) extension direction in the northern Basin …