Nora Hall Carving Designs
Learn from the European Master woodcarver, Nora Hall. Nora Hall and her family are here to take your woodcarving to the next level or start you on a new and rewarding journey. Free shipping …
Gallery | Nora Hall Carving Designs
The history behind Nora Hall Carving Designs. Internationally known master woodcarver and teacher Nora Hall was born in Amsterdam, Holland in 1922. Her father was the renowned …
About | Nora Hall Carving Designs
Nora Hall's History. Internationally known master woodcarver and teacher Nora Hall was born in Amsterdam, Holland in 1922. Her father was the renowned Dutch master woodcarver …
Shop | Tools & Supplies | Nora Hall Carving Designs
The perfect tools for beginning and advanced woodcarvers.
Nora Hall, A Life's Work
Trained in Holland during World War II by her father, a master woodcarver, Nora Hall still sees carving as a way to earn a good living. Looking back, her amazing body of work betrays the …
Shop - Nora Hall
The easiest and most affordable way to purchase Nora Hall's European woodcarving supplies.
Shop | Instructional DVDs and Books | Nora Hall Carving Designs
Learn from a Master Woodcarver This European Woodcarving DVD series is jam-packed with information you can't get anywhere else! This is a rare opportunity to study directly under a …
Contact | Nora Hall Carving Designs
Nora Hall Carving Designs Contact Us. Feel free to contact us whenever you have any questions or need advice on selecting tools and supplies.
Tips | Nora Hall Carving Designs
Touch-Ups — Utilize the Nora Hall Sharpening System so that your edge is always at it's sharpest, especially when you work with stringy wood like pine, Philippine mahogany, and …
Shop | Koch Sharpening System - Nora Hall
It consists of one wider-and-larger wheel (which accommodates all size tools) and green paste from Austria that heats up quicker than the Koch paste. We proudly introduce to you the Nora …