Nikon D810 Review & Sample Images by Ken Rockwell
2014年12月11日 · The Nikon D810 is Nikon's top consumer camera, and Nikon's highest-resolution camera. It's also Nikon's nicest-sounding camera, with smooth, high performance in its Quiet modes that lets me shoot quickly without calling attention to myself.
Nikon D810 Overview - Digital Photography Review
2014年6月26日 · The Nikon D810 is a full-frame digital SLR that features 36.3 megapixel FX-format CMOS sensor (without an optical low-pass filter) along with Nikon's latest EXPEED 4 image processing engine. The EXPEED 4 improves performance and image quality and also offers an ISO range of 64 to 12800, which expands to 32 to 51200.
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尼康(中国) - D810 - 产品介绍
d810约3,635万有效像素赋予多种拍摄场景强大的影像实力。 FX格式图像传感器和EXPEED 4图像处理器匹配,并拥有宽广动态范围,噪点也得到了抑制。 同时,连拍速度也得以提升,FX格式下可达约5幅/秒的连拍速度,可在更广的范围内轻松拍摄高像素图像。
Nikon D810 - Wikipedia
The Nikon D810 is a 36.3-megapixel professional-grade full-frame digital single-lens reflex camera produced by Nikon. The camera was officially announced in June 2014, and became available in July 2014.
Benchmark Performance: Nikon D810 review - Digital …
2016年5月12日 · Two years after Nikon shook up the high-end DSLR market with the 36MP D800 and D800E, it has consolidated the 800-series with the release of a new camera, the D810. The D810 replaces both previous 800-series models. Read our full review to find out how it performs.
Nikon D810 Review - Photography Life
2024年1月29日 · Although the new Nikon D810 has the same 36.3 MP resolution as its predecessors, it features a new sensor with an expanded native ISO range and comes with significant improvements to camera features, performance, and ergonomics.
Nikon D810 香港價錢、評測報告、相機規格及相關報道
Nikon 確認 D810 「光點」問題,並提供免費維修 買了,或者即將會買 Nikon D810 的用家要留意了,最近有部分 D810 用家發現,相機在長時間曝光情況下 ...
- 评论数: 22
【尼康D810 单机】报价_参数_图片_论坛_Nikon D810(单机)尼康 …
高画质、广视角 尼康单反d810行摄故宫. 尼康d810是一款拥有3630万像素成像能力的全画幅单反相机,高像素的优势为这款全幅机型带来了极为出色的成像质量,自上市以来受到了众多摄影发烧友的青睐。
2020年了,六年前推出的尼康D810还值得买吗? - 知乎专栏
尼康(Nikon)公司在2014年7月推出了他们的新一代专业级FX全画幅尼康F卡口单反相机,有效像素为3650万,这款相机自推出至今广泛受到好评。 它有着51个对焦点以及ISO 64的原生低感,同时可以进行1080p 60帧视频,相…
尼康D810 - 百度百科
尼康D810是尼康(Nikon)于2014年6月26日发布的数码单镜反光照相机。 尼康D810搭载3.2英寸的129.9万像点WRGB显示屏。 拥有170度的宽视角,约122.9万画点的分辨率。
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