Eyes Galaxies - Wikipedia
The Eyes Galaxies (NGC 4435-NGC 4438, also known as Arp 120) are a pair of galaxies about 52 million light-years away in the constellation Virgo. The pair are members of the string of galaxies known as Markarian's Chain. NGC 4435 is a …
双眼星系 - 百度百科
双眼星系 (NGC 4435-NGC 4438,也称为阿普 120)是一对距离5,200万光年,位于 室女座 的星系。 NGC 4435是一个有短棒的 透镜星系, 史匹哲太空望远镜 发现在它的中心区域有着相对是年轻 (1亿9000万年) 的恒星族群,它们可能起源于与NGC 4438的交互作用。 它也有可能是与上述星系交互作生用所产生的长长的潮汐尾。 NGC 4438是在室女座星系群有交互作用的最奇特星系,由于环境中有不确定的能量机制使核心在加热中;这种能量机制可能是 星暴 区域,或是 活跃星系 …
NGC4438 | Max Planck Institut for Radio Astronomy / Atlas of …
The galaxy NGC 4438 belongs to the Hubble class SA (s)0/a (peculiar). The inclination of its disk is unclear; values range between 68° and 85° with respect to the sky plane. This galaxy has a distance median value of 13 Mpc.
NGC 4438 NGC 4435 The Eyes Galaxies - AstroBin
NGC 4438 is the most curious interacting galaxy in the Virgo Cluster, due to the uncertainty surrounding the energy mechanism that heats the nuclear source; this energy mechanism may be a starburst region, or a black hole-powered active galactic nucleus (AGN). Both hypotheses are currently under investigation by astronomers.
[0706.3174] NGC4438 and its environment at radio wavelengths …
2007年6月21日 · Abstract: We present multi-frequency, radio-continuum and HI observations of NGC4438, the highly-disturbed, active galaxy in the Virgo cluster, with the VLA and the GMRT. High-resolution observations with the VLA at 4860 and 8460 MHz show the presence of an inverted-spectrum radio nucleus located between the highly asymmetric lobes of radio ...
Eyes Galaxies (NGC 4435 and NGC 4438) - Constellation Guide
2016年11月16日 · NGC 4435 is a compact barred lenticular galaxy that appears to be almost devoid of dust and gas. The galaxy contains a young population of stars on its central regions.
Active Galaxy NGC 4438 - ESA/Hubble
2000年6月5日 · Known as a peculiar galaxy because of its unusual shape, NGC 4438 is in the Virgo Cluster, 50 million light-years from Earth. Are you a journalist? Subscribe to the ESA/Hubble Media Newsletter.
[astro-ph/0312322] Chandra Observations of NGC 4438: An …
2003年12月12日 · We present results from a 25 ksec CHANDRA ACIS-S observation of galaxies NGC4438 and NGC4435 in the Virgo Cluster. X-ray emission in NGC4438 is observed in a ~700 pc nuclear region, a 2.3 kpc spherical bulge, and a network of filaments extending 4-10 kpc to the W and SW of the galaxy.
NGC4438 - Max Planck Society
The galaxy NGC 4438 belongs to the Hubble class SA (s)0/a (peculiar). The inclination of its disk is unclear; values range between 68° and 85° with respect to the sky plane. This galaxy has a distance median value of 13 Mpc.
马卡林之眼 - 百度百科
马卡林之链中最突出的是两个相互作用的 星系 ,NGC4438(左)和NGC4435,它们被称为马卡林之眼。 这两个星系距离我们大约5,000万光年远,虽然现在看到的这张高分辨的特写图像上两个星系的距离有10万光年,实际上在更早期它们之间的距离更近,约为16,000光年。 两个星系近距离相遇所产生的引力潮能撕裂星系内的恒星,气体和尘埃。 质量较大的NGC4438星系在这次碰撞中将吸积更多的物质,而NGC4435由于质量较小所以更容易损失物质。 这张引人注目的深空影 …