NFIA, part of Invest in Holland, assists foreign companies in Holland
2025年2月10日 · The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) assists businesses looking to invest in Holland. Discover the benefits and our services.
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) - Rijksoverheid.nl
De NFIA heeft als belangrijkste taak om buitenlandse bedrijven aan te trekken naar Nederland, hen te helpen bij vervolginvesteringen in ons land of hen voor Nederland te behouden bij een heroverweging van de strategie.
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency | Business.gov.nl
The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) is an operational unit of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. NFIA helps and advises foreign companies on the establishment, rolling out, and expansion of their international activities in the Netherlands.
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) - Singapore
Since 1978 the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) has served as a one-stop-shop for successful European expansion. It has been supporting nearly 5,000 companies from some 50 countries, to establish or expand their business in the Netherlands.
荷兰外商投资局 - China | The Netherlands and 中国
NFIA隶属荷兰经济事务与气候政策部,是您的第一个服务窗口,为您与商业伙伴、地区经济发展组织和政府机构建立广泛的联系,为您的国际扩张提供便利。 在中国,NFIA 在北京的大使馆以及重庆、广州和上海的总领事馆均设有代表处。 此外,NFIA 还在台湾设立了办事处。
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency - LinkedIn
The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), an operational unit of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, is here to help and advise you across all...
Agency NL - NFIA | LinkedIn
The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) is a special division of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. We facilitate direct investments of foreign...
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) - China-en
An operational unit of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the NFIA is your first port of call, connecting you with a broad network of business partners, regional economic development organizations and government institutions to facilitate your international expansion.
关于荷兰外商投资局 - 凤凰网
2009年11月21日 · 荷兰外商投资局 (NetherlandsForeignInvestmentAgency,英文缩写NFIA)是荷兰王国经济事务部分管外商直接投资的专责机构,其职能是从政府层面为计划在荷兰设立公司、扩大或重组现有荷兰运营机构的外国企业提供免费的支持与帮助。 NFIA成立于1979年,总部位于荷兰海牙,并在欧洲、北美、亚洲的东京、大阪、首尔、台北、新加坡、迪拜及新德里设有办事机构。 网站:www.nfia.nl. 荷兰外商投资局 (中国) NFIA中国办事处是荷兰驻华使团的一部分,办公地 …
Netherlands: The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA…
As a government agency, the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) provides information and practical assistance to international investors who want to enter the Netherlands' market. The NFIA introduces corporate investors to a variety of Dutch networks and service suppliers in business, to government authorities at national and regional ...