Configure New Relic so that newrelic.jar and newrelic.yml don't …
2013年5月17日 · From what I've read in the New Relic documentation the New Relic agent jar and the newrelic.yml should be in the same directory, but I want to have the newrelic.yml in my …
Installing New Relic without adding license key to repo
Typically for this type of situation I add the newrelic.yml file to .gitignore and then create a newrelic.yml.example with all the non sensitive fields filled out and a place holder for the key. …
new relic with spring boot, how to get it to NOT use the …
2024年6月14日 · When we build and run the app, maven dowloads not only the jar file, it also downloads another copy of the newrelic.yml without any licence key. It puts the jar and the yml …
newrelic - Configuring New relic in Spring boot with insight key ...
2018年5月27日 · -javaagent:newrelic.jar -Dnewrelic.config.file=newrelic.yml -Dnewrelic.environment=DEV If newrelic.jar or newrelic.yml are not in your working directory, …
New Relic for Spring Boot - Stack Overflow
2014年11月13日 · Extract the files from the newrelic java agent archive. Create a directory named newrelic in the root of your application. Place the newrelic.jar from the archive in the above …
Where do we get the path to newrelic.jar from? - Stack Overflow
2024年6月14日 · Instead we manually downloaded the jar, and put it in a dir with a newrelic.yml in a random directory, then use -javaagent. I don't see any purpose in using POM to download …
Use env Heroku variables into newrelic.yml file - Stack Overflow
2021年11月18日 · I need to create environment-dependent parameterization, into the newrelic.yml file. I want to use an Heroku env var that can assume different values depending …
capistrano - change config/newrelic.yml path - Stack Overflow
2012年11月11日 · I'm using the new relic ruby agent with symfony 2.1 and capifony. I'd like to be able to tell the new relic agent that the config file lives under app/config/newrelic.yml instead of …
ruby on rails - newrelic yml file contains uninitialized constant ...
2015年4月10日 · I am integrating newrelic in my application. I wanted to have custom app name in newrelic.yml file. Code looks like newrelic.yml app_name: App <%= Rails.my_app_name …
NewRelic dynamic java application name - Stack Overflow
2014年1月16日 · And instead of packing newrelic.jar and newrelic.yml to war file, I would prefer them to be already in Cloud Foundry's tomcat. But in such a case all deployments will have …