best nether star farm atm9 : r/allthemods - Reddit
Antimatter my friend, wither skull to inert star to nether star though multiple machine, its pretty fast if you can keep up the production of antimatter. Also, I used MA and hostile nueral network, as I need to gather enough nether star for 18 ATM star
Is there any way to farm nether stars besides just killing the
On this farm you'll be putting a nether star crux, insanium farmland and a nether star seed on top. All of the recipes for these items are in jei and relatively cheap. Just need a bunch of inferium, prosperity shards, one wheat seed, and four nether stars bare minimum. After that, you'll preferably want a way to automate this.
ATM9 best and fastest way to generate nether stars? : …
2023年12月29日 · I have a setup that's generating a stack maybe every ~3 minutes and 20 seconds(I need to learn how to tweak it some)A Nether star generator feeds power into the simulation chambers(I have 5) and one loot gen, all with hoppers auto-feeding the predictions into the loot gen, which feeds into the Nether star gen.
ATM 9 Nether Star Block 3x : r/allthemods - Reddit
You can data model the Wither itself to get nether stars directly. I would recomend setting up 16+ chambers (4 deep learners with 16 data models) and just letting them run in the background. Scale as needed.
Atm8 nether stars : r/allthemods - Reddit
2023年5月24日 · In the end I had about 100 mob simulation chambers running because I wanted enough for 19 stars. Phytogenic insolators just aren't fast enough because you don't get that many stars from the essence. I think I got enough nether stars for my first ATM star just by having 20 simulation chambers running while I got the other ATM star parts.
Nether star crux? : r/feedthebeast - Reddit
2020年12月5日 · The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of …
Nether star : r/RLCraft - Reddit
2020年12月24日 · Nether star I have not played a lot lately but I found the stronghold, and on the way their from the village I mentioned in my previous post, I found a bit of good loot in shipwrecks. I got a cobalt shield, cross necklace, cracked dragon scale, and a broken heart.
Nether star farming? : r/projectozone3 - Reddit
2021年2月4日 · Interesting, thank you for the response! We looked at nether star seeds as well but it mostly just seems to be harder to get than the wand, considering you'll also need neutron seeds and a bunch of nether stars for the empowered void ingots, whereas you don't need nearly as many nether stars for the wand of animation, and the hardest thing you DO need is a …
Stoneblock nether stars : r/feedthebeast - Reddit
2018年11月23日 · Nether star crops are pretty mid-game level. I'm nowhere near endgame, but I'm growing nether stars. The key is to grow plenty of inferium plants (higher level ones especially) to supply all of your essence needs. I think I have 15 inferium plants right now that are producing thousands of blocks of inferium every day.
[E2E] Automated Nether Star Farming Setup Help : r/feedthebeast
2020年3月26日 · You can still use your nether star seeds though, I have a farm in the end with about 20 growth accelerators from mystical agriculture under neathe the soil of 1 crop. You can make the farm in the overworld but the end is always day and is in another dimension so reduced lag. And about 200 blocks of greenhouse glass stacked above it.