Square roots -- positive and negative - Mathematics Stack Exchange
For convenience, the square root of non-negative real numbers is usually taken to be the non-negative real value, but there is nothing other than practicality to stop you from taking some …
Can square roots be negative? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2019年8月1日 · Square roots of real numbers can be negative. -4 is a square root of 16. But remember: $\sqrt{x}$ means the $\mathit{principal}$ square root of x, not just the square root …
Square root of a negative number squared - Mathematics Stack …
The ambiguity in the answer lies not with the square root... but rather on the negative sign. The value $-5^2$ is most commonly interpreted as $-(5^2)$ which simplifies as $-25$ . It is …
Why is the square root of a negative number impossible?
2020年2月8日 · The square root function, like all bona fide functions, is single-valued rather than multi-valued, so if we were tasked with creating our own square root function from scratch we …
Can the square root of a real number be negative? [duplicate]
2014年5月27日 · Can the square root of a real number be negative? Dealing with the questions of functions in eleventh class my maths teacher says that square root of a real number is always …
Is the square root of a negative number defined?
2014年4月13日 · Square root is defined exactly as much for the real numbers as for the complex numbers. There are two square roots of four, namely ${-2, 2}$ and there are two square roots …
When do we use the positive vs. negative square root of numbers ...
2019年9月24日 · $\begingroup$ @Mark If one is solving a quadratic, one introduces the symbol $\pm$ (or something more explicit) to account for the case of the negative square root. …
Square root of a negative number - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2019年5月14日 · The square root of a negative number is usually given by $$\begin{align} (-4)^{1/2} &=e^{\ln{(-4)}/2}\\ &=e^{\ln{(4e^{i\pi})}/2}\\ &=e^{\ln{(e^{i\pi+2\ln{(2)}})}/2 ...
physics - Quadratic formula with negative square root?
(And "negative square root" isn't exactly the right term. It would be a square root of a negative number. What's negative is not the square root, but something else.)
matrices - interpreting negative square root of a matrix
2015年6月4日 · Here, the square root of D is done by simply square rooting the diagonal eigenvalues. The square root of the inverse of P is obtained by replacing the square root of the …