Nafanua - Wikipedia
Nafanua was a historical aliʻi (Paramount Chief/Queen) and toa (warrior) of Samoa from the Sā Tonumaipeʻa clan, who took the four pāpā (district) titles, the leading aliʻi titles of Samoa. [1] After her death she became a goddess in Polynesian religion .
Nafanua, The Guardian - U.S. National Park Service
Nafanua, a titled woman celebrated throughout Samoa, is known as the goddess of war. She earned this title through her dedication to her family and the high regard she held in her village council. As the goddess of war, it was Nafanua's duty …
The Goddess Nafanua - Samoan Mythology
Nafanua lived in Falealupo on Savai’i with her two priests Auvaa and Tupai, who were always anxious to carry out her schemes and strategies. Unlike other local gods of war, Nafanua was a national war god, who had attained such status by her …
Nafanua :The Warrior Princess - Mythlok
Nafanua was a historical ali’i or queen and toa of Samoa, who was part of the S Tonumaipe’a clan. She was known for her achievements and was regarded as a goddess in the local religion. She was given the title of goddess of war because she …
TS Nafanua Goddess of War - Samoan Mythology
Nafanua is the name of one of the gods in the village on the island of Upolu. Among her roles was to determine truth and to administer justice. On finding people who steal, the chiefs and the villagers would gather together and take turns to plead for punishment on each person who has committed a crime or sin.
Nafanua — Wikipédia
Nafanua reçoit le titre de toa tama'ita'i (princesse guerrière) pour avoir vengé son oncle et apporté la paix à Savai'i grâce à ses victoires militaires. Son village, Falealupo, est situé à l'ouest de l'île de Savai'i. À l'époque de Nafanua, les côtes est et ouest de Savai'i étaient engagées dans une guerre pour la terre et la suprématie de l'île entière.
TS Nafanuas Prophecy - Samoan Mythology
When Malietoa heard of the mysterious prophecy already mentioned, he addressed himself to Nafanua, the renowned goddess of war, in order to inquire about the strange utterance of the venerable priest, and also to find out if there was any chance for him to become king of Samoa.
Women of Power - Samoan Goddess Nafanua - The Coconet
One of Samoa's most revered Gods of all was female - Nafanua. Born of a blood clot and buried in the ground, this ancient deity rose from the underworld. The legendary goddess of Samoa is an important part of Pacific history as a female deity who’s legacy lives on today.
Nafanua is the samoan goddess of war and a deity in Polynesian mythology. According to samoan mythology, Nafanua was the daughter of Saveasi'uleo, the god of Pulotu. In one legend, Nafanua's mother was Tilafaiga the sister of Taema. Nafanua is a titled woman known throughout Samoa as a goddess of war.
Nafanua: The Goddess Who Killed With Courtesy - Rejected …
The oppressors surrendered, Nafanua was enshrined as one of Samoa’s most important guardians, and her name lives on to modern day, honoring a volcano, some churches, a Samoan police boat, and much more.