Parking Permits for People with Disabilities - NYC.gov
You are eligible to be issued a New York State disability parking permit through NYC DOT if you are a New York City resident and have a permanent or temporary qualifying impairment that …
City Parking Permit for People with Disabilities - NYC311
The NYC Parking Permit for People with Disabilities (PPPD) is a placard that allows you to park at "No Parking" zones on public streets and at parking meters without depositing money. It is …
Home | NYC DOT Parking Permits
Individual Permits- People with Disabilities; Government Permits; Organization Permits
Parking Permits for People with Disabilities (PPPD) Unit has put together a list of frequently asked questions that may help guide new applicants through the application process. How do I know …
DISABILITIES (PPPD) The NYC Department of Transportation’s Parking Permits for People with Disabilities (PPPD) Unit issues two types of disability parking permits for people with …
Parking Permits for People with Disabilities (PPPD) Unit - New …
The following requirements must be met by the applicant (the person with a disability) to qualify for the issuance of a City parking permit for people with disabilities. Must be a resident of New …
NYC DOT Permits | NYC DOT Parking Permits - New York City
NYC Parking Permit for People with Disabilities (NYC PPPD) - Issued to people having a permanent disability seriously impairing mobility to park on NYC streets. Non-drivers, including …
NYC Parking Permit for People with Disabilities
NYC Parking Permit for People with Disabilities Issued to people having a permanent disability seriously impairing mobility to park on NYC streets. The NYC PPPD is not currently available …
New York City (NYC) does not reserve spaces on its streets solely for persons with disabilities. However, the City does issue a City permit (a rectangular dashboard permit) that allows a …
ePermits - Frequently Asked Questions - New York City
The permanent NY State Disability Parking Permit is a blue plastic hang tag (the temporary permit is a red plastic hang tag). Both display the universal International Symbol of Access for people …