CAS – Central Authentication Service - North-West University
You are about to log into the NWU private network. You confirm that you have read and that you understand the NWU policy, rules and regulations as published on the links below and that you agree to subject yourself thereto.
1. Sign into the Student 360 App using your NWU number and network password. 2. From the menu on the left hand side, expand the relevant menu section (Personal Information, Financial Information or Academic Information) in order to view the various subsections of the menu and to obtain your required information.
NWU MyApps Portal | services.nwu.ac.za - North-West University
Head over to https://apps.nwu.ac.za using your favorite browser and log in with your NWU number and password. After logging in, click on the Lab Desktop to launch your Virtual Desktop.
Microsoft 365 | services.nwu.ac.za - North-West University
All staff and students, except students registered for Short courses, have access to Microsoft 365, which includes Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access (PC only), and Publisher (PC only)). Microsoft is implementing multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your account.
Log in | services.nwu.ac.za - North-West University
NWU Main Afr. Oor ons. Welkom by die NWU; NWU beheerstrukture; NWU bestuur; Statuut en riglyndokumente; Beleide en Reëls; Transformasie by die NWU; NWU-waardes en Waardegedrewe Gedrag; NWU statistieke; Fakulteit feiteblaaie; NWU Publikasies; Rangordening ; NWU-Vroue in Leierskap; Kontak ons; Studeer by die NWU.
the new NWU Student System. This will replace VSS and the current Student 360 portal for all future administrative interaction and records. You will receive detailed guidance on how to log in, register and access other services on NWU Student. A key feature of NWU Student is the Student Engagement Portal, which will be available from 15 January ...
UODL | Downloads | distance.nwu.ac.za - North-West University
* For Student 360-Service access, note that your initial password is either your ID Number or passport number followed by @Nwu e.g. 123456@Nwu
Forgot Your Password? Log In.
NWU DIY Services Portal: diyservices.nwu.ac.za
The NWU DIY Services portal which stands for Do-It-Yourself portal is the North-West University (NWU) platform for managing its students and staffs as well as giving them opportunities to access their dashboard.
Student 360 NWU Diploma in Gr R Teaching How to guide. DIY Services Portal Student 360 App. Log on to NWU distance website at : ... Log in Screen. Log in Screen details ( if using 1st time) USERNAME = Student number, e.g. 31467966 PASSWORD = ID Number@Nwu Note –Capital N, and the small letters wu. Select Student 360 . Your student details can ...