Glee for #NOH8 | NOH8 Campaign
2014年3月18日 · In anticipation of Glee's 100th Episode, we're taking a look back at the #NOH 8 cast participation from Fox's groundbreaking show. The series has dealt with engaging storylines and characters that run the gamut of what it's like to grow up as a teenager in today's culture, promoting acceptance and diversity across the board.
【Glee Cast 参加活动】普及知识教育,何谓 “NOH8”【glee吧】_ …
NOH8则是由明星牵头发起的一项十分Huuuugggge的活动。 具体可以自己在网上搜索自己喜欢的明星,这里只随便毫无个人倾向的随机贴几张罢了。 离弦
NOH8 Campaign
The NOH8 Campaign is a charitable organization whose mission is to promote marriage, gender and human equality through education, advocacy, social media, and visual protest. NOH8 Campaign photos and counting
STAGE TUBE: GLEE Cast Show Support for NOH8 Campaign
2010年2月14日 · Cast members of the FOX hit series GLEE showed their support for the NOH8 Campaign by posing for Adam Bouska's photographic silent protest for the repeal of Proposition 8.
NOH8 之 Lady Gaga Born This Way 宣传片【glee吧】_百度贴吧
NOH8 之 Lad..NOH8,意为反对美国加州试图禁止同性婚姻的八号提案,即Say No To H8的意思(H8应该是八号提案的代号)同时H8 也是hate的谐音,意思,不要有恨。
Donna Glee Reim at NOH8 Fundraiser - Boston, MA - YouTube
My granddaughter Meredith and I attending a NOH8 Photo shoot to raise monies for the NOH8 organization
Celebrities supporting the NOH8 campaign for gay marriage …
2011年7月14日 · More than 14,000 photos have been taken for the NOH8 campaign against California’s ban on gay marriage. PinkNews.co.uk looks at some of the best-known faces supporting the campaign.
NOH8 Campaign - Wikipedia
The NOH8 Campaign (NOH8 meaning "No Hate") is a charitable organization whose mission is to promote LGBTQ marriage, gender and human equality through education, advocacy, social media, and visual protest.
Launching Into 2010 | NOH8 Campaign
2010年2月15日 · Thanks to resident NOH8'er Scott Bailey and his amazing team, we're pleased to bring you the ALL NEW NOH8Campaign.com! Left: Weird Al Yankovic & Family for Equality; Right: Glee's Jenna Ushkowitz & Kevin McHale. The overhaul has been a long-time coming and features a variety of brand new features missing from the old website.
Alex for the NOH8 campaign: ontd_glee — LiveJournal
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