Nelson Marlborough District Health Board - Wikipedia
The Nelson Marlborough District Health Board (Nelson Marlborough DHB or NMDHB) was a district health board with the focus on providing healthcare to the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough districts of New Zealand. In July 2022, it was merged into the national health service Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand).
Nelson Marlborough - Health Information and Services
Information about hospitals and other health services in Marlborough, Nelson and Tasman. Nelson Hospital provides approximately 140 beds for Nelson and Tasman patients. Wairau Hospital provides approximately 65 beds for Marlborough patients. Wairau Hospital also refers Marlborough patients to Nelson Hospital for specialised services.
HealthPathways Nelson Marlborough
If you are a health professional and would like to have access to this HealthPathways website, please request access from the local HealthPathways team. What is HealthPathways? …
Health New Zealand - Nelson Marlborough - YouTube
This is the official YouTube page for Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Nelson Marlborough, a district of Health New Zealand covering the Nelson, Tasman an...
Nelson Hospital - info.health.nz
Nelson Hospital visiting hours are 2:30pm to 8pm, 7 days a week. The main entrance to Nelson Hospital is on Tipahi Street. The Braemar Campus is accessed from either Waimea Road or Franklyn Street. These bus services stop at the Nelson Hospital Interchange on Waimea Road:
To access your My Health Record your identity is verified through a partner system called My Health Account to access your wider health information. If you have a My Health Account log in, go to https://my.health.nz and select. ‘log in’. This will take you to …
Nelson Marlborough Healthcare Jobs - Health New Zealand
Health New Zealand - Nelson Marlborough is the main health provider for the Top of the South, providing services to 150,000 people across the Nelson, Marlborough and Tasman regions. As the largest employer in the region, there are over 3,000 team members. View vacancies in this district. Photo location: Giesen Vineyard, Marlborough.
Alcohol and drug addiction — Nelson Marlborough
Comprehensive addiction support, including detox, opioid treatment, methamphetamine programmes and community training in Blenheim, Golden Bay, and Nelson. The Nelson Marlborough Health Addictions Service is a regional service, with facilities located in Blenheim, Golden Bay and Nelson.
Community Mental Health | Nelson Marlborough • Healthpoint
Provides assessment, intervention and ongoing treatment for people over the age of 18 with a serious psychiatric disorder. Community Mental Health Services are provided by three teams in Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough. More. GP, DHB Clinical Services, Self referral, Other. Free. No …
Mental Health Admission Unit | Nelson Marlborough - Healthpoint
Referrals are via Nelson Marlborough Health - Community Mental Health. Wahi Oranga is an inpatient Mental Health and Addictions Service. It provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for youth, adults and older adults who require hospitalisation.